  • 學位論文

應用GM(0,N)模式探討企業導入自由軟體之影響因素 -以Open Office為例

Applying GM(0,N) to Explore the Factor Affecting Free Software in the Enterprise–OpenOffice on Example

指導教授 : 龔昶元 葛維鈞


近年來我國政府積極推廣自由軟體情況下,從2002年立法院科技及資訊委員會建立自由軟體研發推廣,在無障礙軟體發展環境下,提昇產業競爭力及自主力。至2003年召開自由軟體推動會議,決議設置「自由軟體指導小組」,而我國財政部財稅資料中心因經費拮据2010年起導入Open Office自由軟體,雖然導入過程坎坷,但為國庫省下一億三千萬元的商用軟體授權費,並成為中央部會中率先導入自由軟體OpenOffice文書處理之示範機關。由於近年來智慧財產權意識抬頭,及商業軟體聯盟(BSA)不定期配合檢調單位進行全國盜版大查緝,並開放企業員工匿名檢舉機制,使得不少企業對於軟體合法性的重視,亦有企業因此而改用自由軟體。因此本研究將應用GM(0,N)模組研究分析探討「主觀規範與政策」、「降低成本」、「管理與維護」、「教育訓練與學習」、「外在不可抗因素」以及「內部轉換障礙」因素對於企業導入自由軟體OpenOffice之影響因素。期望本研究結果除了可對企業導入自由軟體OpenOffice參考外,在學術研究上也能有所貢獻度。


In recent years, the Taiwanese government actively promoting the free software, the establishment of a free software development to promote the Legislative Yuan from 2002 Technology and Information Committee, under the Accessibility software development environment, enhance industrial competitiveness and the strength of its own. To the 2003 conference was held to promote free software, set the resolution "Free Software Steering Group", while China's Ministry of Finance and taxation data center since 2010 due to financial constraints imported free software Open Office, although the import process of ups and downs, but for the next hundred thirty provincial treasury ten million yuan of software licensing fees, and will become the first in the central part of the free software OpenOffice word processing import of demonstration authority. Due to rising awareness of intellectual property rights in recent years, commercial software Alliance (BSA) units from time to time with the prosecutors in Taiwan intensive inspection, and the opening mechanism for employees to report anonymously, making a lot of attention to the legitimacy of the enterprise for software, some companies therefore switch to free software. Therefore, this study will apply GM (0, N) model analysis investigate the "subjective norms and policies", "reduce costs", "management and maintenance", "education and training and learning", "external force majeure" and "internal conversion disorder "factor for enterprises import of factors affect the free OpenOffice software. In addition to expected results of this study can be imported free software OpenOffice corporate reference, but in academic research can also contribute degrees.


GM(0,N) OpenOffice Office Software Free Software


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