  • 學位論文


A study on Visitors’ Interpreter Demands and Willings to Pay at the Nation Museum of Taiwan History

指導教授 : 劉素娟


近年來國人特別重視週休二日及假日的休閒遊憩活動,對休閒活動的選擇也漸趨多元。 透過2006年美國的冒險喜劇電影「博物館驚魂夜」的不斷傳播與放送下,挑起人們想要探索歷史文化的渴望。到歷史博物館遊憩已是近年來一個放鬆身心、探索歷史淵源、學習先民風俗及知識的良好去處。本研究旨在瞭解國立台灣歷史博物館來訪遊客之基本資料、參與動機、對專人解說導覽需求程度、願付價格及其分析遊客對解說導覽付費意願之影響因素。 由於導覽解說人員之服務並不具一般市場價格,因此採用「非市 場估價法」之「條件評估法」(Contindent Valuation Method,簡稱 CVM)來估算出台灣歷史博物館遊客對於解說導覽人員願付價格。本研究採用開放式問答為問卷詢價的方式。結果顯示,有46.4%遊客願意以某一筆費用請館方提供解說導覽人員之服務,有九成三的遊客同意館方若能提供此項服務對於提昇遊憩體驗及增長知識是有幫助的;在付費意願影響因素方面,在性別男性、大專以上教育程度、及職業為家庭主婦者,擁有明顯較高的付費意願。而在居住地為南部地區及職業為自由業及工業者擁有明顯較低的付費意願。在願付價值影響因素方面,在年齡41-50歲及21-30歲、居住在中部及南部及職業為軍公教服務業自由業無待業退休人員者,其願付價值明顯較高。相反的,月收入40001-100000元的遊客及教育程度為大專以上者,其願付價值明顯較低。 經實證結果得知,可得知國人對於導覽解說人員具有高度的需求,對於導覽解說人員之服務也有很大的付費意願。為滿足遊客對於解說導覽員的需求,針對需要解說導覽員服務與否之遊客,除了基本票價外,可以制定多付50至100元提供含有導覽解說員服務之較高票價,以因應遊客對於導覽解說人員的需求,讓願意付較高費用之遊客,能享受較好的遊憩品質及解說服務。另建議導覽解說員之培訓,由公家機關或財團法人公信單位統一規範、考試認證並引導進入就業市場,如此才能使學成之導覽解說員學以致用,不但可提供就業市場亦可提昇國內旅遊的精緻程度,滿足深度旅遊之遊客需求。 關鍵字:解說導覽需求、付費意願、台灣歷史博物館


Recently due to the implementation of two days off weekly system and upgrading concept of leisure resort, people in Taiwan has more choice to their entertainment activities. With the spread of comedy-adventure American film in 2006, Night At The Museum, it arouses people interest in history culture. Visiting the History Museum has become a good idea for physical and mental relaxing, exploring the history origin and learning the tradition and of ancestors. This study aims to survey on factors that are affected to the visitors, and to analyze all information about their basic information, motive of attendance, demanding of interpreter, willing to pay for guide service, and price would like to be paid, and so on. As the service of interpreter shall not be counted same as ordinary market price, Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is adopted in this study. Through this non-market valuation method, we estimate the price that the visitors are willing to pay for the interpreter service. This study used open-ended method for the price, and the result showed that the 46.4% visitors would like to pay for the interpreter service under arrangement of the Museum. Moreover, 93% visitors agreed that if the Museum arranged to provide the interpreter service, then it advantaged to resort the experience and cultural knowledge for the visitors. In the factor of willingness to pay on interpreter, the male with college education background and the housewife had a high willing. Others like self-employments and workers who lived in the southern part of Taiwan had not. In the aspect of value of willingness to pay, military servicemen, civil servants and teachers, service industry, self-employment, retiree who were among 41 to 50 years old as well as 21 to 30 years old had high demand. Contrary, the visitors with 40000 to 100000 income and college education background had low demand to the interpreter service. We learned from the result of this research that it had a high demand for interpreter from the visitors in Taiwan, and most of the visitors were willingly to pay for this service. In order to satisfy to this demand on interpreter service, we suggested that the Museum issues different entry ticket with additional NT50 to NT100 dollars, and let the visitors enjoy better resort quality if they would like to pay higher fee for this extra interpreter service. Furthermore, we suggested that the interpreter should be cultivated and fostered by a qualified public organization, and they should be awarded an accredited certification before employment. By this chance, the cultivated interpreter should make use of what they have learned. Not only to supply the labor market but to upgrade the quality of domestic tourism. The visitors can enjoy high quality of the intellectual trip. Keywords: Demand of Interpreter, Willingness to Pay, the Taiwan History Museum


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