  • 學位論文


Design of Digital Learning Web Server for Elementary School Based on Virtual Token Schemes

指導教授 : 劉省宏 黃永發


為了提昇學生使用網路的知識及學習能力,本研究以開源架站軟體及其支援延伸套件,結合激勵(incentives)、增強(enhancement)及虛擬代幣(virtual token)設計程序等教育相關理論,建構符合Web2.0概念可運作虛擬代幣機制的班群數位學習網。網站系統實際運作後,由學生之使用記錄與統計結果可知,學生使用本網站所得的虛擬代幣數中,平均每人點閱文章次數約15次,五年級學生平均點閱數高於四年級,女生之平均點閱數高於男生,可說明學生之使用網站之趨勢。而點擊類的次數高於文字發表類,說明學生對文字之繕打能力較不足。經分組對照之實驗結果,受到酷碰券獎勵之實驗組學生,登入次數與總分高於控制組,可知教師發送酷碰券對班群網站的經營成效有顯著的提昇。最後以問卷調查分析,探討學生對虛擬代幣機制網頁的接受度,結果顯示,學生對電腦網路的態度及資訊素養感知會因性別、年級而有所差異,也同時對虛擬代幣網站的接受度造成影響,學生普遍對虛擬代幣網站運作的機制感到滿意,接受度高。


點閱文章 Web2.0 激勵 增強 虛擬代幣 酷碰券


In order to improve elementary pupils' knowledge and learning ability via the Internet website, this study constructed an open source web server which combines incentives, education enhancement and virtual tokens to perform the design process theory based on virtual tokens. We constructed the web server with the concept of Web2.0 and the virtual tokens schemes. After two-month operation of the web server, we collect the virtual tokens results of the student's record and statistics. The results show that the average number of clicks per person of reading articles is about 15 times per student. the fifth grade pupils read more higher than the fourth grade and the girls read more than boys pupils which explains the trend of using the website. Moreover, the number of the clicks on the reading is higher than the number of texting, which indicates that the typing of the transcript of pupils is not enough. Experimental results of comparisons show that teachers can promote the using of the learning web server by providing coupons. Finally, we investigate the accepance of pupils on the virtual token operation at the web site by using questionnaire and polls. The results show that pupils highly accept the virtual token operation of the constructed web server. However, their sensibility on the network and the information processing ability is dependent on the genders and grade of pupils.


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