  • 學位論文

摺疊街道: 黎明大樓改建文創商城

Folding Street: Regenerating the Li-Ming Office Building to Cultural Shopping Mall

指導教授 : 郭章淵


台中市政府對於中區舊市中心都市再生之實行方向,不僅著手改善外部環境和交通運輸系統等都市硬體設施,並結合多方位資源如文化、藝術、觀光,以提升都市的多元樣貌。面對中區再生議題,市政府廣納各方意見並舉辦競圖活動「中城再造」。因此,本研究為了配合台中市政府之再生主旨與規劃,以「摺疊街道」為構想,從三方向著手:綠活城市、地方產業文化和舊建築再利用,提出設計方案。 本研究以台中市市府路上的黎明文化大樓為再造對象,設計目標為:一、更新黎明文化大樓,提案將舊市中心之辦公機能轉換為文創商城,創造符合現今購物模式之商城;二、引進地方產業與新興產業創造產業交流機會,提供不同產業相互交流、創作及展覽空間;三、分析具有地方風貌之建築樣式、建築語彙和街道形式設計,帶入廣場、展覽和綠色空間設計,滿足消費者購物和休閒娛樂之需求。 本研究作法如下:一、整理相關文獻探討中區沒落因素和再生可行性之潛力因素,以了解其優勢和可運用資源。二、分析中區之歷史建築或地方小吃等觀光資源與地方特色產業,收集當地常民文化做為設計空間定性定量之依據。三、探討地方建築語彙和街道形式作為設計之基礎,創造出具有地方風貌之文創商城。四、研析傳統街道形式,如「S」、「T」、「Y」字型等,並將之轉換摺疊成立體的空間結構,運用於建築內部空間配置和路徑設計。 本研究要旨為透過建築語彙設計造型空間,綠色植栽創造綠活空間,帶入具有地方特色之活動和產業,以及轉換街道形式將路徑曲折或匯集於不同樓層上,創造開放性、多樣性、穿透性和趣味性之立體街道空間。以實質設計之形式規劃出具有地方風味、綠活空間、空間街道特色之商城,做為台中舊市中心都市再生之規劃與實行提案。


The regeneration of the Taichung Central District old city center includes the improvement of the exterior environment, public transportation and other infrastructures, combining multivariate resources like culture, art, and tourism, promoting the diversity of the city. Against such backdrop, the city government absorbed suggestions and opinions from all parties involved, hosting “Rebuilding Central City” competition. Hence, in order to match up with the mandate and the planning of Taichung City Government, the study used “Folding Street” as basis, providing design solution from three perspectives: green living city, local industry and culture, reutilization of the old buildings. The study took the Li-Ming Cultural Building as the reconstruction subject with three design targets -- first, renovating Li-Ming Cultural Building, transforming the old city office into the cultural creative mall, catering to the contemporary shopping model; Secondly, exchange opportunities between local and emerging industries are introduced, providing a platform for mutual communication, creation, and exhibition; thirdly, buildings of local features, building languages and street designs are analyzed, bringing in the design of plaza, gallery and green space, further satisfying the shopping and recreational need of the consumers. Four sections are covered in the methodology. First, literature related to the factors of decline and the regeneration potentiality of the Taichung Central District are reviewed, understanding its advantages as well as applicable resources. Secondly, the study analyzed historical buildings, local delicacies, tourism resources as well as local feature industries, collecting necessary cultural activities into the design. Thirdly, local architect language as well as street typologies were discussed and were utilized as the foundation for design, creating a cultural creative mall with local characteristics. Fourth, the traditional street typology, including “S”, “T”, and “Y” shape is evaluated, and is translated and folded into a three-dimensional display which is applied to the interior space allocation as well as route design. The main purpose of the study is to create an open, diverse, penetrable, and entertaining three-dimensional street space by employing local building languages to design art space, creating green space through planting, and bringing in activities as well as industries with local characteristics. The study hopes to propose a practical design plan for a mall with local features, green living space, and local street characteristics to the planning and implementation of Taichung old city center regeneration.


3.向雯涵,2009,"台中市中區都市再生之",國立臺灣師範大學 ,碩士論文
