  • 學位論文


A Study of Outpatient Space Pattern for Psychiatry Department

指導教授 : 陳信安


近年來,社會結構與經濟型態的改變、人際關係的疏離,社會環境給人的衝擊增加,使得精神科患者數量增加。依據國外文獻對於精神病院所作之田野調查中發現:病患對實質環境是非常敏感的,病人常會隨著一些特殊文化或特殊設計和符號而產生互動。 現有的文獻資料顯示,對於精神科醫療空間的探討,主要是以病房部門為主要研究對象,對於精神科門診配置型態並無太多著墨,以致於在規劃精神科門診空間時無從依據,僅能藉由國外文獻與案例作為參考。因此研究之目的為:一、蒐集與本論文相關的文獻與案例作為本研究之理論基礎。二、歸納國內醫院現有的精神科門診空間規劃類型與使用效果。三、提出精神科門診空間之設置建議。 本研究以建築的觀點探討現有門診空間設置狀態,蒐集精神科門診現況資料並配合專家訪談,參考紮根理論「開放性譯碼」(Open coding)及「主軸性譯碼」(Axial coding)基礎做為研究方法,分析現今精神科門診空間規劃型態,並提出設置建議。研究的成果為:一、分析樣本呈現的資料,提出配置型態現況的總結;二、進一步針對精神科門診空間提出「精神科門診空間設計建議」。


In recent years, with the change of social structure and economic patterns, the increasing impact to people, causes the psychiatry patients quantity to increase. The available literature on the psychiatry department''s space , the psychiatry outpatient department service research is scarce. Thus nothing but literature and cases from the other countries can serve as reference when planning space for Psychiatry outpatient department. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to: 1. collect the literature and cases associated with this thesis as the theoretical basis of this study. 2. introduce the current types of spatial planning of Psychiatry outpatient department and their effectiveness in domestic hospitals. 3. propose suggestions to the spatial arrangement of psychiatry outpatient department. This study investigated the current spatial arrangement status of the outpatient, collected information on the current status of psychiatry outpatient department with experts interview , and referenced the basis of the grounded theory "open coding" and "axial coding" as research methods to analyze the spatial planning patterns of current psychiatry outpatient department and to suggest another arrangement. This study research results is proposed a summary for the situation of psychiatry outpatient department arrangement pattern and further proposed a “recommendation for the space arrangement of psychiatry outpatient department”


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