  • 學位論文


Production, Now and In the future

指導教授 : 劉炳嵐


近年氣候變遷現象顯著,環保議題受到重視,1997年169國在日本簽署的「京都議定書(Kyoto Protocol)」,要求簽署國家在2008-2012年期間將溫室氣體排放量平均減少到比1990年排放量低5.2%之水準。 有鑑於此,世界各國無不積極發展再生能源產業。而生質燃料中的生質酒精能替代石化燃料,減低溫室氣體排放。生質酒精可做為汽油的替代燃料,通常以5%


In recent years, the phenomenon of climate change significantly. Environmental protection issues be taken seriously . "Kyoto Protocol " is signed by 169 countries in Japan in 1997, to ask the State to below the average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions lower then 5.2% in 1990 during 2008-2012. For the reason, every countries in the world are all actively developing renewable energy industries. The bioethanol is produced from biomass crops, sugars, starch and cellulose, etc. obtained by microbial fermentation of alcohol. Bioethanol in gasoline can be used as alternative fuel, usually mixture 5% -15% with gasoline, you can start the car engine in the case that without modify the car engine. It can completely replacing gasoline as a motor fuel. According to different sources of raw materials bioethanol can be divided into three main categories: first category is the quality of sugar crops, including sugar cane, sweet sorghum and sugar beet, etc.; The second category of starch crops, including maize, sweet potato, cassava, and wood case, etc.; and in recent years, the ethanol development based on non-food crops as raw materials to produce ethanol, it is called the third type of cellulose or wood fiber raw materials, including (1) agricultural residues such as straw, corn stalks and wheat straw, etc.; (2) agro-processed products, such as bagasse, rice hull and corn fiber, etc.; (3) wood fibers, such as wood waste and, pulp waste, or napiergrass, such as grass, Pennisetum, switchgrass and so on. Distribution of production in foreign countries, last year (2009) the main of Global production of ethanol are the United States and Brazil, respectively, to 386 million liters and 252 million liters, holds 53% of global production and 34.6%, the two annual production of about 90% of the world''s total annual production over the previous year (2008) also grew 7.5%, it shows that the advanced countries are committed to the development of biomass energy. Assessment of our production technology, industrial structure and geographical environment elements, the development of biomass energy resources seem to be more suitable for our development of alternative sources of energy, especially ethanol and biodiesel; in accordance with national analysis of the energy crops, planting crops for ethanol (such as sugar cane, sweet potatoes, corn and cassava, etc.), per hectare can be derived from ethanol production, are far more than Biodiesel crops (such as soybean, rapeseed and sunflower) can be derived from biodiesel production and value; and it has much help to promotion of biomass energy industry in the agricultural employment, rural incomes, agricultural structures and environmental protection, it is also worth to consider investing in industry. Keywords: biomass energy, biofuel, bioethanol, biodiesel


biodiesel bioethanol biofuel biomass energy


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