  • 學位論文


Driving Performance Evaluation of Two Modified Hand Controllers on the Virtual Road

指導教授 : 陳協慶 吳欣潔


本研究評估比較兩種常見的手控制器。以模擬駕駛方式,了解兩種控制器的駕駛績效,找出那種汽車改裝的控制器是真正適合脊髓損傷者。本研究的實驗設備有駕駛模擬器系統、心搏率測量儀器與數位錄影機。20位受測者(10位脊髓損傷者,10位一般成年人)自願參與實驗。每人分兩次使用兩種手控制器駕駛模擬器系統(Driving Simulator System)。實驗收集的資料包括:駕駛績效、心搏率(HR)、心率百分比(HRR%),以及主觀評量,如主觀不舒適度(SSQ)、控制器合用度(SUS)及主觀性評估問卷。 虛擬駕訓班考照的總分,在兩種手控制器有顯著差異(F=8.074, p=0.005)。使用前下式手控制器的總分比前後式高8.5分。前下式手控制器的主觀評比顯著地比前後式的主觀評比高(F=14.791, p<0.000)。 研究結果發現使用前下式手控制器,在駕駛績效、工作負荷與主觀評比都比前下式手控制器較佳,較適合使用。


This study examine and compare two common hand controllers. We used driving simulation to understand the driving performances of the two hand controllers, and to find which modified hand controller is really suitable for spinal cord injury. Experimental apparatus included Virtual Reality Driving Simulator System, Polar heart rate recorder and DVD digital video cam. Twenty subjects (10 spinal cord injury adults, 10 health adults) participated in this study voluntarily. Each subject used two kinds of hand controller to drive simulator system on separate two times. The collected response variables included: driving performances, heart rate, HRR%, and subjective ratings on simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ), System Usability Scale (SUS), subjective workload questionnaire (SWQ). According to the Virtual Reality Driving Training School&apos;&apos;s driving test score, the two hand controllers were significantly different (F=8.074, p=0.005). The use of "Push-Downward" hand controller had higher total score 8.5 more than the "Push-Pull" hand controller. The results showed that the "Push-Downward" hand controller was better than the "Push-Pull" one in the driving performance, workload, and subjective ratings, being more suitable for use.


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