  • 學位論文


The challenges and coping strategies of a mainstream-inclusion program conducted by different background preschool centers

指導教授 : 何東墀


摘 要 本研究旨在探討學前機構間合作「回歸融合計畫」,機構間與相關專業人員面臨的困境與解決策略,以及影響回歸融合計畫成功的因素。本研究對象為中部一所智能發展中心執行的「回歸融合計畫」,研究者採質性研究的個案研究方法,透過半結構式訪談多位參與執行該計畫的人,並蒐集與該計劃相關文件資料等進行研究探討。依據資料分析結果發現如下: 一、 回歸融合計畫,經歷的困境和解決策略。 發展中心與幼兒園面臨共同的困境有機構間無法建立共識,以及不同專業背景回歸保育員與教師對專業認知差異。智能發展中心面臨人力短缺與經費不足的困境。解決策略為發展中心與幼兒園的負責人發展共同的認知,形成內部共識,並建立多元的溝通輔導機制,規劃相關特殊教育專業課程,解決專業認知之差異。培訓專任回歸保育員以及尋求政府經費支援。 二、回歸融合計劃發展中心專業人員經歷的困境與解決策略 專案管理員對維護回歸保育員的專業品質感到困擾。解決策略包括制定回歸保育員遴選標準、教學督導輔導機制以及「回歸保育員考核」制度等管理機制。 教學督導為滿足特殊幼兒的學習目標必須尋找多元的教學模式, 因此在媒合幼兒園時遭遇困難。解決策略為,媒合不同教學模式的幼兒園。透過漸進式的過程提供幼兒園認識發展中心的機會,邀請參與計畫之幼兒園園所長、學者專家推薦,在研習活動傳遞訊息等。 回歸保育員主要的的困擾為幼兒園豐富的教學設備反而成為特殊幼兒的干擾,特殊幼兒情緒失控影響教室正常運作;幼兒園主管熱心支持,班級老師卻冷漠以對。解決策略為回歸保育員必須具備豐富的輔導技巧,加強良好人際關係的經營,以及轉變幼兒園老師的態度。 三、幼兒園專業人員經歷的困境與解決策略 幼兒園行政主管面臨團隊的共識與支持的考驗,和一般家長因對特殊幼兒的不了解產生的質疑。解決策略為積極提升老師個人特教相關專業知識,透過新生家長會和利用放學時間、家庭聯絡簿、錄製影片等方式向家長說明。幼兒園老師的困擾為特殊幼兒特質所造成的行為問題。解決策略為在心理與課程上做適當地調適,利用團體討論、角色扮演、機會教育、教導一般幼兒與特殊幼兒相處的能力。 四、回歸融合計畫成功的重要因素 研究發現促成機構間合作進行回歸融合計畫成功的因素很多,研究者將其歸納如下:1.機構間有共同的遠景,2.此計畫提供充足的資源,3.機構間有充分無礙的溝通管道,4.專業人員間分享彼此專業,5.所有成員共同參與,6.學者專家的參與,7.此計畫是有系統有計畫漸進的達成目標,8.計畫內容保持動態的改進等。


Abstract This study is to explore the challenges and coping strategies that implementing a“ mainstream-inclusion program ”between different backgrounds of preschool centers. Also, professionals who involved in the this program ,including case management, teaching directors, program care-givers, directors of preschool, preschool teachers are interviewed to answer the questions about their difficulties and their experiences to reach the succeed. This study adopts qualitative research and involves a case study. Data is collected through, interview, including a case management, two teaching directors, three program care-givers, four directors of preschool and three preschool teachers, three publications for this program, and meeting documents. Based on the data analysis, researcher found that: 1. All directors of preschooler centers realize that for succeed of a program, consistent ambitions and professionals involved in are needed. Besides, Different backgrounds of professionals may exist gaps regarding their knowledge of special needs children, therefore, the related training courses are suggested. In addition, a multi-communication system is necessary so that the conflicts can be deal with as soon as possible. For low function family with problem in communication, an appropriate assistant and a communication channel should be provided. 2.The challenges that development center experienced include the difficulties in finding an appropriate preschool for special needs children, coping children’s challenge behavior in mainstreaming school, the low acceptance attitude toward this program on preschool teachers. For improving the quality of this program, the management system of this program, including the indicators of election of preschool and program care-givers, the counselor service of instruction, are required, 3.The challenge of preschool teachers include having inconsistent understanding of this program, insufficient knowledge regard special education, and existing anxiety on general parents’ reaction. Research suggests that the directors of preschool have responsibility to transfer his/her educational beliefs to teachers, teachers’ knowledge and coping skills on the misbehavior cause by the special needs children should be improved through group discussion, role-play activity, modeling instruction, direct teaching, and other types of instruction. Researcher found the factors of this successful program include that: all centers participate in this program have reached a common goal, having sufficient resources, having non-difficulty communication channels, professional was shared, all members participated, University teachers participated, the goals of this program were planned and reached systematically, and the this program were accommodated and adjusted dynamically。


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