  • 學位論文


The Effects of Writing Online English Journals on Facebook for Training College Students’ Writing Skills in a University of Technology in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 洪伯毅


隨著科技的發展與進步,線上英語學習已經成為英語教師用來訓練學生英語能力的一種方法。本研究的主要目的是探討在臉書(Facebook)上寫英文網路日記對於改善學生們的英文寫作能力與克服對英文寫作恐懼的影響。本研究中的研究對象包含來自主修英文的三十五位大一的學生,並且依其寫作能力分為高分組與低分組來進行研究與觀察。此外,研究中所編製的問卷乃用於探討學生們對於在臉書(Facebook)上寫英文網路日記的看法與觀點。為期一個學期的實驗之後,本研究獲得學生顯著地增進英文寫作技巧與改善他們對於英文寫作恐懼的結論。除了上述研究發現之外,針對線上英文學習亦提出相關的建議。第一,研究者可針對控制組與對照組採取不同的教學方式,以比較其成效差異;第二,同儕之間的相互學習 可利於學習英文寫作的過程。


With developments and advancements in technology, online English learning has become a method for English teachers to use in training students’ English competence. This study focused on the effects of keeping online English journals on Facebook to improve college students’ English writing abilities, as well as to overcome their English writing anxiety. The participants in this study, 35 freshmen majoring in applied foreign languages, were divided into two groups: the high-achievement group and the low-achievement group. The quasi-experimental research lasted one academic semester. A questionnaire was used to explore students’ perceptions toward writing an online journal on Facebook. The results showed that students significantly improved their writing skills and reduced their symptoms of writing anxiety. It is suggested that future research do the following: (1) compare different teaching methods on a control group and an experimental group; (2) increase the valuation of learning from classmates and teachers’ feedback in the process of English writing.


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