  • 學位論文


Competency-based Talent Development – A Case of C.I.O., IT Department of U Company

指導教授 : 陳怜秀 嚴國慶


當企業主的眼光都聚焦於尋找高階接班人時,企業往往忽略其他中高階與基層主管(人才)的發展。而如何透過一套評鑑模式與判定特質的方式去發展培育出最適合接班人才,讓企業永續經營,是目前企業最重視的議題。 因應個案公司穩健發展中,集團組織擴充所面臨人才管理問題的挑戰,透過職能模式之建構進而作為組織人才發展系列活動的基準規範: 故本研究之目的: 一、 建立由「企業願景連結至營運策略與目標,再連結至人力資源管理發展規畫面」之間的關聯,建構個案公司資訊長之職能模式。 二、 透過對「資訊長」之職能落差分析以利未來接班人計劃的發展。 本研究係權衡個案公司之特性與操作適切性,採以職能分析方法之訪談類為主,所配合的是個案公司的高階主管(即各領域的專家);再搭配集會類為輔進行研究。將個案公司對「資訊長」一職所完成之以職能行為指標為基礎的「職能模式-資訊長」與「職能績效評量調查表」,經三方評鑑與回饋,逐項提出關鍵認知差異分析作為研究之結果。 本研究最後結論與建議彙整: 依組織發展需求及特性藉由制度化建置策略性的人才發展藍圖為導向,以職能模式為基礎並結合參考職能關鍵行為落差分析結果,提出質性報告及關鍵人才發展建議,以職能發展整合觀點,建置與企業策略連結的人力資源規劃體系,並運用個案研究結果,作為選、用、訓、育、留、考、職位續承或晉升輪調甚至於組織變革時之參據,實具關鍵之價值貢獻。亦應用政府相關企業人力資源提升之計畫,有效地落實進而全面推展至集團化。 關鍵字:職能、職能模式、職能分析、接班人、人才發展


As the owners of enterprises focus on seeking high level successors, they always tend to ignore the development for other junior and mid-level managers (talents). How an enterprise develops and trains the most suitable successors through an assessment method and a way of determining the characteristics in order to keep its business continuity has been the subject that each enterprise values the most these days. In respond to the challenge of talents management issue that the case company faces during its stable growing and expansion, the best way is using the competency model construction as standards for the corporation talents development series campaigns. Therefore, the purposes of this study are: 1.To establish the connections between the links of “corporate vision to operational strategy and goals, and to the developmental plans of human resource management”,then construct a competency model for its CIO. 2.To perform the Competency Gap Analysis for its CIO in order to benefit the development plans for the future successors. This study weighs the characteristics and operational suitability of the case company, and mainly uses “Interview” category in Competency Analysis methods, then supplements with “Social” category. The persons who participate with in the study are the high level managers in the case company (the profession from each area). Using the “Competency Model - CIO” and “Competency Performance Evaluation Questionnaire” the case company has completed by basing on competency behavioral indicator for its CIO via three parties’ assessment and feedback, and provide the key Cognition Differences Analysis term by term as results for the study. The summarizations of the final conclusions and recommendations are: to establish a blueprint of strategic talents development in according with the organization development needs and characteristics by means of standardize as guide; to provide qualitative research reports and crucial corporation talents development recommendations with competency model as standards then combine and refer to results of key Cognition Difference Analysis; to establish a Human Resource planning system links with the corporation strategy with competency development integral viewpoints and to apply the results of case study as reference resources for selection, recruitment, training, promotion, retention, performance and succession, or even when the corporation reforms; to apply the government related corporation human resource promotion plans, and practice the plans to the entire company effectively. Key words:Competency,competency model,competency analysis,succession plan,talent development


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