  • 學位論文


The Competitive Strategies of Taiwanese Machine Tools in Mainland China— A Case of Top-One Company

指導教授 : 許光華 黃勇富


台灣工具機從業人口1.7萬多人,出口金額佔有全國出口總金額之2%。台灣工具機廠多設在台中(縣)市,相當規模之產業聚落早已形成,若能加以整合擴展,年總營業額可達兆元新台幣,對國家經濟必有重大貢獻。 中國大陸在2012年全球工具機消費排名第一,約383億美元,工具機產值亦排名在全球前十名國家之首,約275億美元,亦即中國至少買進108億美元金額之工具機。台灣業者西進,製造技術轉移之後,使中國能隨著推動工具機國產化,數年前已將其列為國家重大政策,目前所產製成品皆為中低階水準,而年生產總額居全世界第一,且中國政策積極獎勵及支持其業者,研製關鍵零組件與高階工具機。 很慶幸覓得旭正公司(Top-One Machinery Company),肯讓我們作「台灣工具機在中國大陸的競爭策略」之探討案例, 在衷心感激之餘,我們下決心找出並敘述旭正公司可能用得上之策略群,給他們因應瞬變之人、事、時、地、物局勢選取採行;並分析該產業競爭的五股作用力,即波特五力分析,且就他們內部之優勢及劣勢,與外部的機會及威脅,做SWOT分析,經確認後做出結論後,研提建議供旭正公司做為改進及發展之參考與依循。我們亦樂見本案例分析發佈後,對台灣工具機業者在中國大陸的競爭,均有正向幫助,進而提升台灣之經濟發展,增加就業機會,改善全國國民生活及福祉。


Taiwanese machine tool companies employ about 17,000 persons and hold 2% of the total export amounts of the country. Major of Taiwanese machine tool factories are in Taichung ( county ) City. The industry cluster also has been formed there. If we integrate the industry effectively, the total turnover will be up to NT $ 1 trillion every year. It must be a significant contribution to the national economy. In 2012, China consumes $ 38.3 billion for machine tool, got the first rank of the world. But China only produced $27.5 billion by themselves, and $ 10.8 billion had to import from outside. Based on the Taiwan's industry go westward, the transfer of manufacturing technology has been set in the government policy. It is a benefit for Taiwanese machinery tools company to develop some outstanding strategy in Mainland China. It is very fortunate to find the Top-One company be the case study for The Competitive Strategies of Taiwanese Machine Tools in Mainland China .We pay attention to identify and describe the strategies group which may have opportunities being adopted by Top-One Machinery Company. We hope the findings from Top-One company will be useful for the policy setting of Taiwan Government and the benchmarking for the Taiwanese machinery companies.


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