  • 學位論文


The Antecedents of Consumer’s Attitude toward Genetic Modification Food

指導教授 : 陳美芳


生物科技運用於食品製造即基因改造食品具有高度商業利益。但卻也有學者從不同角度:生態、環境、道德、人體健康等觀點,提出具有潛在風險的質疑,基因改造食品 (genetic modification food, GMF) 遂成為全球高度關注的焦點。GMF在市場上尚屬新產品,近來研究焦點都集中於態度前因的形成、公眾如何形成該態度。台灣有許多農作物仰賴進口,其中基因改造的黃豆和玉米是進口的大宗,但在台灣消費者對GMF態度及其前因等相關方面的研究仍舊缺乏。 Verdurme and Viaene (2003) 提出消費者對於基因改造食品態度模式認為一般態度、知識分別藉由知覺利益與知覺風險影響對基因改造食品的態度。另外基於許多研究顯示,信任會影響到基因改造食品的態度,於是本研究根據Verdurme and Viaene (2003) 的研究模式加上Siegrist (2002) 的研究結果,假設信任為態度前因的一個構念來探討台灣消費者對基因改造食品態度形成的前因模式。 本研究以20歲以上居住於台灣地區的消費者為本研究母體。抽樣設計採分層便利抽樣:以內政部中央標準行政區為初級層次 (22個縣市),其次內政部之基層鄉里為次級層次 (67個鄉里),依據內政部公佈之各縣市人口、年紀、男女佔比,抽出符合母體分配之樣本。一共發放2,000份問卷,有效回收564份,回收率為28%。 本研究採用結構方程式 (SEM),分兩階段進行樣本資料分析,我們發現:台灣消費者對基因改造食品會知覺到利益,而知覺利益的前因是一般態度與信任,知識與知覺風險呈負相關,顯示知識可以降低知覺風險,另外由於消費者對該議題尚無清楚認知,知覺風險在整體模式中呈現不顯著。 教育可以提供知識以及建立態度,明確的利益將可以說服消費者接受新的科技產品。對於行銷者而言,需持續對消費者作基因改造食品利益的溝通;而政府負責整體市場的安全監控;大眾媒體提供正確以及富有教育意涵的平衡報導,如此,如此,消費者將對於相關機構的工作者更加信任而知覺到GMF更多的利益,進而產生對GMF更正面的態度。新科技運用於產品才會相得益彰。




Genetically modified food (GMF), applying genetic modified engineer in the food production, has a huge of economic benefits. However, some different viewpoints in nature, environmental, ethical, and health, argue that will be potential risks in the future. GMF has become a public highlight in the worldwide. Although Taiwan imported a large amount of food crops annually and some of them are GMF; however, few studies related to the antecedents and formation of consumer’s attitude toward GMF in Taiwan. Verdurme and Viaene (2003) proposed that consumer’s attitude toward GMF are determined by perceived benefits and perceived risks, which in turn, influenced by general attitude and knowledge. In addition, many studies revealed that trust is also a very important antecedent of the acceptance of GMF (Siegrist, 2002). Thus, this study included trust into Verdurme and Viaene’s model to examine the relationships of the antecedents of consumers’ attitude toward GMF in Taiwan. Research population of this study was the consumers above 20 years old in Taiwan. Sampling design was conducted by stratified-convenience processing. Sampling unit divided into 22 counties and municipalities by Standard Areas Ministry of Interior 2003. 67 villages were selected to conduct in the secondary sampling units based on the demographic variables ratios. The 2,000 respondents produced a total of 564 usable questionnaires resulting in a response rate of 28%. This study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the relationships among the factors. The results revealed that there is a positive relationship between perceived benefits and consumers’ attitude toward GMF. General attitude and trust are antecedents of perceived benefits. Knowledge can reduce perceived risks. Moreover, perceived risks have no significant impacts on the attitude toward GMF. One of the reasonable explanations is that consumers may have no ideas about this new GMF to perceive risks in Taiwan’s market. Education is not only a good way to provide knowledge but also change formulation of attitude. For firms, a clear benefit will make consumer access new technology. The government should take the responsibility to monitor the safe mechanism of GMF. Mass communication should provide correct and educative information to make a balanced report. By doing so, consumers will perceive more trust in the related institutes and people to perceive more benefits from GMF and form more positive attitude toward GMF. Appling technology in products will be successful in the market.


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周柏成(2010)。國中生物科技倫理之研究 ——以基因改造食品為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315190238
