  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 陳美芳


近年來我國企業與國際化商業市場快速接軌,尤其在加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,有國際觀的人才足以因應這種趨勢,根據國際人力資源管理的文獻,利用外派人員來轉移母公司的技術跟管理制度是企業對海外經營的主要方式。然而,當大多的焦點都聚焦於外派的過程時,卻忽略了回任是完成國際外派任務中最後一個重要的環節。因為外派人員在外派時的經驗,往往可以獨當一面,其挑戰性與揮灑的舞台都比較大。但當任期滿回到原職務後,面對動輒跨部門協調,許多人常覺得舞台、權力一下子縮小,進而萌生離職念頭。所以許多人員一旦被外派出去,往往被認為是條不歸路,面對這樣潛在人才出走的窘境下,回任人員需要具備何種能力才能幫助回任後的適應,並且將外派時的熱誠投注於回任時的績效表現是非常重要的任務。 而生涯復原力即是當人們在面對生涯挫折以及壓力時,能適應環境改變的一種關鍵能力,使得他們能夠管理控制身邊所發生的事情,即使在結果都不確定的情況下他們都有意願去承擔風險,所以本研究將探討生涯復原力對於組織承諾、工作滿意度以及離職意願的影響,並加入工作角色特性以及知覺組織支援一起探討外派回任後的離職意願。 研究結果發現,(1) 工作角色特性中的角色清晰以及角色自主性對於生涯復原力有正向影響;(2) 知覺組織支援對於組織承諾有正向影響;(3) 生涯復原力對於組織承諾以及工作滿意度有正向影響;(4) 組織承諾對於工作滿意度有正向影響;(5) 工作滿意度對於離職意願有負向影響。


In recent years, Taiwan’s business has connected with international business market rapidly. After Taiwan had been included in WTO, complies can react with this trend, only their do have human resource with the sense of internationalism. According to previous articles about International Human Resource Management, utilizing expatriates to transfer the technology and managing system of parent company is tend to be the major way how Taiwan’s companies manage their oversea management. However, when most studies had been focused on the process of expatriate, we had been less concerned even though repatriate is the last important step for completing the mission of international expatriate. Because expatriates had enough authority when they been assigned overseas Taiwan, most of people felt like they had less power and control when they came back to original counties. This might result in that those people have thought of resigning. Furthermore, many employees consider that being one of expatriates is a “negative” for their careers. Face with the potential issue of employees’ turnover, what kind of ability repatriates should have can help them in the repatriation process, and how to make them devote their passion into their positions in their original countries as they were outside the country is very important. However, career resilience is the key ability to overcoming career stress and career barriers. People who are high in career resilience are able to control what happens to them; they are willing to take risks when the circumstance is changeful and uncertain. Therefore, this study will discuss how career resilience of repatriate influences organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and work role and perceived organizational support are added into this study to understand their turnover intentions. The results found in this study are as follows: (1) Role clarity and role discretion of work role are positively related to career resilience. (2) Perceived organizational support is positively related to organizational commitment. (3) Career resilience is positively related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction. (4) Organizational commitment is positively related to job satisfaction. (5) Job satisfaction is negatively related to turnover intention.


repatriate career resilience


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