  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Bride Cake Package- KUOS Food Corp. as an Example

指導教授 : 李福源


結婚是人生中大事,結婚禮俗亦是中華民族重要的文化。中國古代婚禮,從周代的六禮演變到台灣四禮,即「議婚」、「送定」、「完聘」、「親迎」,其中最受人們重視的就是喜餅,現今市售喜餅禮盒的包裝設計,可謂包羅萬象,喜餅禮盒因受西方與日本文化所影響,風格漸日、西式化,也因此近年的喜餅包裝設計跳脫了以往傳統規範的約束,而朝向多樣豐富的時尚流行風格,本研究觀察到喜餅市場因潮流之變化而深受影響,為了探討喜餅禮盒設計與時尚之相對應關係,本研究以喜餅禮盒包裝設計為主軸,來深入研究之。 本研究首先蒐集喜餅禮盒相關之書籍、資料,以及瞭解喜餅來源、涵意及特色。次之觀察市面喜餅業的喜餅禮盒其視覺設計及包裝的風格並進行分析及探討。最後依研究之分析應用於喜餅禮盒之設計包裝中,以期設計出符合時代潮流的喜餅禮盒包裝設計。


Marriage is one of the most important life events. Wedding rites are a vital part of Chinese culture. Chinese wedding rituals have evolved from “Six Etiquettes” in Zhou Dynasty to “Four Etiquettes” in Taiwan , which include “Yi Hun” (marriage proposal), “Song Din” (initial betrothal gifts), “Wan Pin” (final betrothal gifts) and “Ying Qin” (bride fetching). In the process, wedding cakes are most valued by people. Nowadays, there are various packing designs for wedding cake gift boxes. Due to the influences from Western countries and Japan, the packing designs have gradually adopted either Japanese style or Western style. As a result, it broke away from the traditional restraints and moved towards more colorful fashion styles. To explore the relations between the packing designs of wedding cake gift boxes and fashion, this study observed the change of wedding cake market and used wedding cake gift boxes' packing designs as its principal axis. In this study, books and materials related to wedding cake gift boxes were first collected to gain a better understanding of the origin, meanings and implications of wedding cakes, after which analysis and exploration were conducted on the visual designs and packing styles of the wedding cake gift boxes on the market. Finally, the results of the analysis were applied to wedding cake gift boxes' packing design in the hope that the packing designs best conforming to the trend of times can be presented.


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