  • 學位論文


Construct Reference Dimensional Models for University Program Evaluation

指導教授 : 陳明賢


自民國95年起,教育部委託財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會,針對國內的大學院校,展開為期五年的系所評鑑。在接受評鑑時,各大學院校系所成員及經營者都全力以赴,深怕受評結果不佳,但仍有不少系所無法通過評鑑或有待觀察,其原因可能是系所經營績效著實不佳,亦可能是評鑑資料準備不恰當所至。 資料倉儲於企業界之應用已發展多年,成效十分顯著,然將資料倉儲運用於大學則不多,將資料倉儲與系所評鑑結合更是未曾出現。本研究企圖將資料倉儲之維度建模技術應用於系所評鑑上,以輔助系所受評。系所經營者可以引用本研究提出的參考維度模型,即可快速建立系所評鑑的資料倉儲系統,然後利用此資料倉儲來分析系所經營的狀況與評鑑項目要求之間的落差,在受評時,更可利用資料倉儲提供計量的相關佐證資料予評鑑委員,使系所經營者能從容應對評鑑,獲得較好的評鑑結果。


Since 2006, the Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan has begun the program evaluation to evaluate departments or institutes of all universities in Taiwan with a duration of five years. Although most of the departments or institutes members are serious about the evaluation, some of them still fail to pass it. There are two reasons to explain why these departments fail to pass the evaluation. First, some departments or institutes don’t run the program well. Second, some evaluation documents that universities provided are improper or incomplete. Data Warehouse techniques have been applied to enterprises for many years and bring lots of benefits. However, applying Data Warehouse techniques to university management is not popular. To get out of the current predicament, Data Warehouse is applied to solve the problem. Currently, there is no related work which combines Data Warehouse techniques with program evaluations. This research aims to apply Data Warehouse techniques to the management of departments or institutes to assist program evaluations. The managers can use the Data Warehouse to help make management decisions. In addition, the managers can use the quantitative information to get better results of program evaluations.


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