  • 學位論文


Investigation on Humidity Measurement Utilizing Quartz Crystal Sensors

指導教授 : 陳永裕


近年來,對於發展一個量測濕度的系統有著龐大的需求,不僅可應用在產業需求上,也可監控環境之舒適度。一個良好的濕度感測器,需具備以下之條件:高靈敏度、寬廣的動態範圍、快速響應、良好的重複性、簡易的介面電路、微型化、低成本。現存的感測器中,鮮少能在單一系統上滿足上述之需求。 本實驗中是將聚苯胺溶液以滴附法附著於石英晶體的表面。利用聚苯胺容易吸附水氣的特性,在實驗腔體中通入不同相對濕度的氮氣氣體,並且量測石英晶體微天平(QCM)以及擬側向電場 電極型式的濕度感測器在不同的相對濕度的頻率變化,在量測的結果中可以發現感測器在不同的相對濕度之下會產生不同的頻率變化,當相對濕度差距越大,所得到的頻率偏移量就越高,當重複通入相同相對濕度的氮氣時,所量測到的頻率變化也有其重複性,並且擬側向電場 電極型式的濕度感測器在不同的相對濕度下的頻率偏移量皆大於石英晶體微天平電極型式的濕度感測器,明顯的了解到擬側向電場 電極型式的濕度感測器的效能比石英晶體微天平電極型式的濕度感測器更提升了


In recent years, there is a huge demand for development of a humidity measurement system, which not only can be applied in industry but also can monitor environmental comfort. A potential humidity sensor must possess the performances: high sensitivity, fast response good reproduction, and low cost. In this thesis, the quartz crystal sensors with nanostructured polyaniline as sensing film nanostructured polyaniline are developed for humidity measurement. In the experiment, we led to nitrogen gas of different humidity concentrations and measured the frequency change of the quartz crystal sensors with two kinds of electrode configurations, like QCM and Pseudo-LFE. Results show that when relative humidity is greater, the frequency shift is higher. When leading into the nitrogen gas of the same relative humidity, the frequency shift is repeatable. Especially, the frequency shift of the quartz crystal sensor with Pseudo-LFE electrode are greater than the that with QCM electrode. We note that the quartz crystal sensor with Pseudo-LFE electrode using nanostructured polyaniline as sensing film is a promising candidate for humidity sensor.


Pseudo-LFE humidity polyaniline QCM


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