  • 學位論文


The Study of Pt and CeO2 Coating on the Surface Poly(diallyldimethylammonium coloride) Modification of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

指導教授 : 林鴻明


聚二丙烯基二甲基氯化銨(Poly diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride; PDDA)為表面正電荷密度高、無毒,可因π-π鍵作用與碳管形成鍵結,本研究利用PDDA改質多壁碳奈米管(Multi-walled nanotubes; MWCNT)的表面,利用金屬離子帶負電的性質與帶正電的PDDA做進一步的結合並探討其特性。 實驗共分為三大部分: A:利用硝酸先將未處理的多壁碳奈米管(Korea-MWCNTs)酸洗氧化處理(Acid-oxidation treatment-MWCNTs),本文簡寫為(AO-MWCNTs)。 B: 利用PDDA改質未酸洗(Korea-MWCNTs)的多壁碳奈米管,本文稱為(PDDA-MWCNTs)。 C:利用 PDDA改質酸洗氧化(AO-MWCNTs)過的多壁碳奈米管上,本文稱為(PDDA-AO-MWCNTs)。 並將這三種碳管載體分別接上Platinum (Pt)與Cerium oxide (CeO2)來作為陽極材料的觸媒層,並應用在直接甲醇燃料電池中(Direct Methanol Fuel Cell; DMFC)。其中本篇金屬觸媒是以回流的多元醇法製作,而金屬氧化物使用的是含浸法來製作。 經過各項電催化表現分析, 比起其他的混成奈米觸媒PtCeO2/PDDA-MWCNTs 與 Pt/PDDA-AO-MWCNTs 具有較好的電化學活性表面積值,而 PtCeO2/PDDA-AO-MWCNTs 在甲醇/硫酸中電催化表現最佳。


A polymer Poly (diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride; PDDA) on the with high density of positive charge, non-toxicity, can be deposited basal plane of graphite of MWCNTs by π–π bonds. In this study, PDDA is used to modify MWCNTs and the characteristics will be discussed. The experiment will be divided into three parts: 1. HNO3 is used to oxidize MWCNTs, called AO-MWCNTs. 2. PDDA is used to modify Korea-MWCNTs, called PDDA-MWCNTs. 3. PDDA is used to modify Acid-oxidation treatment-MWCNTs, called PDDA-AO-MWCNTs. Platinum and cerium oxide are then synthesized on three different types of MWCNTs to be the anodic electrocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cell. The methods of refluxing polyol and impregnation are applied to synthesis metal catalysts and metal oxides, respective. After all the analysis of electro-catalytical performance, we found that PtCeO2/PDDA-MWCNTs and Pt/PDDA-AO-MWCNTs are of explain higher ECSA values than other hybrid electrocatalysts. PtCeO2/PDDA-AO-MWCNTs perform best in methanol/sulfuric acid.


DMFC catalysts carbon nanotubes PDDA


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