  • 學位論文


A study on correlation between design elements of the hinged door and the perceived image of door lightness and heaviness

指導教授 : 吳志富


由於部份使用者在開啟平開門時,遇到與門的輕重意象不符合及門弓器的安裝門,導致發生碰撞的機會而受傷。惟因目前在門的裝置上並無明確的意象與門弓器安裝設計標準。本研究主要目的即為因應前述問題,提供門的意象輕重程度等級與開啟加裝門弓器平開門的操作行為分析的建議,以作為未來相關研究之參考。 本研究分為三階段的實驗 (1)第一階段為問卷的調查,了解材質、顏色、門把與門弓器對於門意象開啟重量的影響程度。(2) 第二階段為門的意象與操作預期力量實驗 ,分析受測者對於12種門實際操作重量與預測力量的差異因素,並探討可感知因子(容易從外觀來判斷門重量的因素,如材質、顏色與門把)與不可感知因子(不可直接從門上來判斷門重量的因素,如門內側加裝門弓器),對於門開啟力量的影響程度。(3) 第三階段為一般平開門門、加裝重門弓器與輕門弓器平開門量測實驗與觀察,分析受測者在開啟三種條件同一平開門的操作行為,使用加速度規測等裝置得到受測者加速度-時間曲線圖,同時拍攝受測者開門行為並繪製成線稿示意圖,分析使用者在開啟與門意象符合與不符合的操作力量的行為特性,結果顯示(1)材質、顏色、門把類型與門弓器影響開門力量的程度,(2)獲得各可感知因子各項對於開門力量的影響程度排序,及不可感知因子在開門力量的誤差值,(3)加裝重門弓器之平開門操作行為,與一般平開門及加裝輕門弓器平開門有顯著差異。


門輕重意象 材質 顏色


The perception of the door lightness and heaviness and the appearance of doors with a closer as used with hinged doors of partial users, will sometimes cause the user to clash the door through misimpression. Due to the lack of door image weight and door closer standards, this study discusses the weight value of the door image and the operative behavior of opening the hinged door with door closer. The study is comprised of three stages of experiments:(1) stage 1: Investigate the perceived image of lightness and heaviness value of the door's elements, such as material, color, door handle and door closer, (2) stage 2: stage 2 is the experiment of the door weight predicted through the image of 12 doors through analyzation of the weightness between real door operation data and predicted data from objects. It also includes a discussion of the operating weight degree that is influenced by the visible factor(door appearance such as material, color and door handle ) and the invisible factor(setup of the door closer; people only can see it on the pull side), (3) stage 3: Analyzes and records the behavior of the objects' three operating conditions of the hinged door: without a door closer, with a heavy door closer and with a light door closer. This experiment especially observes the objects' behavior of opening the heavy door closer with a misfit image. To get the acceleration of the door closing and opening- shown in the second graph, we use the preamplifier and relative equipment to measure the acceleration of door opening. The behavior of the object is also captured and analyzed by video taping them. The results of the study show:(1) the operating weight degree is influenced by the material, color and door handle, (2) the ordering of the influencing degree of the invisible factor and the deviation from the door predicted operating weight , (3)the comparison of the hinged door without a door closer and with a light door closer. There is a marked qualitative difference in the behavior and data of hinged doors with a heavy door closer.


ASTM ,American Society of Testing Materials ,http://www.astm.org/
Chang, Shih-Kai, Drury, Colin G., 2007. Task demands and human capabilities in
