  • 學位論文


Women Seletion of Landmark Strategy in the Wayfinding Process

指導教授 : 黃臣鴻


「走路」是人類每天最常出現的行為,當人們從原點行走到目的地,並透過輔助性的資訊引導人們順利抵達目的地,整個行走過程稱之為「尋路」。導航系統不僅縮短人們尋路所花費的時間,提供正確的路徑並指引人們抵達目的地。現有的導航系統本身較偏男性所運用歐幾里德策略(Euclidean Strategy),即利用方位以及距離的方式尋路,反而不適用於女性所採取的地標策略,是利用左右轉或前進尋找目標。 本研究分析影響女性尋路行為的地標策略之因素,而研究的女性族群範圍為20至30歲的年輕女性。首先以問卷方式調查年輕女性尋路能力的績效,包含尋路者本身生心理因素,以及對空間的認知程度。另外,也評估年輕女性使用各項地標類型的頻率。而在實驗階段,受測者運用地標規劃路線,並以文字敘述與地圖繪製記錄與記憶路線,接著進行模擬尋路測試,最後以NASA-TLX量表評估受測者在實驗過程中的心智負荷量。 實驗與資料的分析結果,得知年輕女性在尋路過程中主要的尋路模式:1. 年輕女性常使用「地圖繪製」方式記錄路線,並且認為有文字作為輔助更能提高尋路的成功率2. 年輕女性常利用「先路徑後地標」的規劃方式,即先選擇對自己有利的路徑,再規劃與記憶路線上的地標3. 年輕女性比較能接受路線上的轉彎次數為4次,超過4次容易開始產生迷惘的現象4. 餐飲美食類、逛街購物類、交通運輸類為年輕女性常使用地標類型5. 年輕女性不僅會使用地標記憶路徑,記路名與路口數也是年輕女性尋路的決策之一,並互相搭配以便記憶路徑與提升尋路成功率。6. 年輕女性處於陌生環境較常選擇簡單路徑行走,不管此條路徑是否會繞遠路,而路名以及路口數將作為敘述路徑的主要角色;相反地,年輕女性在熟悉的環境中,較常以地標辨認位置,或是以地標作為敘述路徑的主要角色。 希望透過本研究得知年輕女性常用尋路模式與地標的運用成效等數據,可作為未來開發年輕女性導航工具的參考依據之一。


「Walk」 is the behavior which people usually do it every day. Way-finding mean that people go to the end from the start by the helpful GPS or other’s help. Way-finding is a kind of the behavior has the goal, the direction and the motive. People always ask someone or understand the guiding information from the environment to know the best shortcut when they go to the unfamiliar environment. For example, men always use euclidean strategy to look for the best shortcut, and women usually find the way by the landmark strategy. GPS is always used by people every day, but the most of GPS products don’t completely agreed with women because they use euclidean strategy to look for the best shortcut. In this study, we research the factors of the landmark strategy which young women use on the wayfinding. We ask participants to complete the questionnaires in the first survey, including health and psychological factors, the experience of the wayfinding, and the level of spatial cognition. Besides, we also research the most popular of the landmarks that young women like to use. In the experimental stage, we ask participants to plan the route by the landmark and use an a4 paper to write and draw the route, and then start the mission in the virtual reality. After finishing the mission, we ask participants to complete NASA –TLX that we can analyze participants’ mental workload form the experiment. According to the analysis, we know about the female principles of the wayfinding: 1. Young women like to use drawing to record the route, and they think that 「Word & Picture」is much helpful to find the way; 2. Young women like to use 「Route → Landmark」to plan the route. 「Route → Landmark」mean young women choose the landmark to remember after planning the short route; 3. Young women can accept and remember the number of the turn is 4 times. Over 4 times will be easy to lose the way; 4. The most popular of the landmarks that young women like to use are transportation, food, and shopping; 5. Although Landmark is important role for young women to plan the route, young women also use road name or the number of the crossings to remember and plan the route; 6. In the unfamiliar environment, young women always choose the easy way whether it is a long distance or not. In the familiar environment, young women always choose familiar landmarks which can recognize where they are or play a role in the descriptions. Finally, we hope the suggestions will be the helpful and important basis to design a new guidance system for young women in the future.


landmark strategy cognitive map Way-finding woman


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