  • 學位論文


Laughing Meditation for Nursing Homes Senior Citizens'' Body-Mind-Spirit Improvement

指導教授 : 鍾燕宜


背景與目的: 面對高齡化社會,老人照顧問題相對增多。老人照顧不僅重視生理層面的最基本照護需求,更迫切於心理方面靈性需求的滿足。過去研究證實靜心對身心的療癒有功效;「笑」對人體的免疫功能、疼痛忍受度、內分泌、神經系統、幫助消化、促進呼吸與血液循環等諸多重要生理指標都能產生正向改變;「笑靜心」即是結合笑與靜心的靈性增能方式。本研究旨在探討養護機構老人接受笑靜心的靈性增能方式後,是否影響其身、心、靈的提升。 研究方法:以某養護機構老人隨機分配為實驗組(n=10;74.5±8.46歲)、對照組(n =10;82.8±6.12歲)。所有受測者於介入前、後接受老人體適能檢測、憂鬱情緒量表及生命意義量表;實驗組並於活動前後加測臉譜情緒量表。 結論:居住在養護機構老年人經八週的笑靜心的活動後,實驗組在每次笑靜心活動前後臉譜情緒表現及身體機能測試之半坐姿體前彎測試,心理層面之憂鬱情緒表現有明顯下降且具顯著差異(p<0.05),而憂鬱情緒量表(對照組: 3.7±1.76 vs實驗組: 1.0±2.21, p<0.05)則具組間差異。另外,身體機能測試之後背伸展,生命意義量表則無顯著差異。 討論:本研究顯示笑靜心的靈性增能方式,能夠影響機構老人身體機能、心理層面。研究結果可提供機構經營者作為老人臨床照顧之參考。


笑靜心 養護機構 老人 身心靈


PURPOSE- Facing the aging society, the problems relatively increased in senior citizen nursing issue. The basic level of physical care needs is not only important issue in senior citizen nursing, but also the more spiritual needs in the psychological satisfaction is more urgent. Recent research confirmed that the laughing meditation has unique effects on both physical and mental medication; "laughing" can produce positive changes in the body''s immune response, pain tolerance, endocrine, nervous system, help in the digestive process , respiration and increasing blood circulation, and other important physiological indicators. Laughter meditation is a combination of laughter and meditation, which in turn spiritual empowerment. The current major issue is how to make the senior citizen staying health and the meaning of life can be effectively promoted by laughter meditation. METHOD- Twenty senior citizens were randomized into 2 groups:(1) an experimental groups (EG , n =10 ; 74.5±8.46 years), and (2) a control group (CG , n = 10 ; 82.8±6.12 years). Outcome measures included the Senior Fitness Test, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales and Meaning of Life scale, all subjects were evaluated before and after 8 weeks (twice-pre-week) of laughter meditation program. The Face Scale were performed weekly only for experimental groups. RESULT- A comparison of the back stretch and Meaning of Life scale after 8 weeks laughter meditation program, there is no significant difference for back scratch and Meaning of Life scale. Nevertheless, significant differences were demonstrated appeared in chair sit-and-reach, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales and The Face Scale. Significant differences between groups for right side chair sit-and-reach (CG:28.8±6.69 vs EG:14.2±17.6,p<0.05); Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (CG: 3.7±1.76 vs EG:1.0±2.21,p<0.05). Conclusion- Body fitness and mind for chosen senior citizens obviously improved after received 8 weeks of twice-per-week laughter meditation program, this result provided as reference for senior citizen nursing care giver.


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