  • 學位論文


The Image Research and Creation of Context Creation Using Words

指導教授 : 楊鼎献


本圖像創作之主旨為近年來臺灣整個社會的變遷由網路和傳播媒體不間斷又重覆地傳送影像,佔領整個生活所及,而社會生活型態也轉向M型發展。研究者正值孔夫子曰:「四十而不惑」之年,卻在今日二十一世紀的時空背景之下,對孔夫子曰:「四十而不惑」,產生疑惑?例如:每個人對生活環境的無感、自我感覺太良好、面對生活不景氣的抗壓性……等,因此,想藉由本研究,提供一種當代kuso的幽默與 反思。 研究者以生活為主題,引用唐詩的詩句;運用插畫的技巧;融合當代文人可使用的議題,追求全新的組合,呼應個人在日常生活中,上班、下班、假日…等,平淡又重覆的題材,繪製成蒙太奇式的故事場景,意圖拼湊出現今身處M型社會生活的型態,並釐清現代生活與文意造境創作的關聯性。研究之形式,以唐詩之詩句與應用創作出來的圖像訴說自我的觀點,帶入輕鬆、詼諧再平常不過的幽默方式,以自我調侃加上戲謔的手法來反諷臺灣民眾對於當今社會政經的無奈與無助。藉由創作的形式,表達一種對目前社會觀感的批判與省思,意圖成為另一種當代的文人畫風尚。 研究者期許此創作能為我們現代生活帶來些許趣味、些許療癒、些許反諷、些許省思,開啟另一種藝術欣賞的價值觀與藝術文化之傳承,更希望能在欣賞作品之餘,潛移默化瞭解古人詩詞的美感與內涵,提升另一種文化涵養。


以文造境 文意造境 文人畫


The main purpose of this drawing creation was based on the social transformation in Taiwan, and the continuously and repeatedly transported images from media and internet, which occupies the whole Taiwanese lives and makes the society into an M-shaped society. The researcher was at the age of what Confucius said, ‘Not deluded at age forty (si shi ér bù huò).’ However, under the context of 21st century, the researcher was doubt on the Confucius’ saying of not deluded at age forty. For example, each one feels hopeless for his/her life; some people misunderstand of their good self-feelings; the resistance to stress from recession, etc. Therefore, the researcher wanted to provide a modern humor and reflection in this study. The researcher used her life as the theme with some elements including the Tang poetry; the skills of illustration; emerge the issue that can be used for modern literati for a new combination responding to her repeatedly daily living (i.e., on-work, off-work, holidays, etc), and to produce a storyboard Montage. The researcher intended to demonstrate the life style of the M-shaped society, and clarified the relationship between the modern livings and the fable creations. The research style applied the Tang poetry to create the illustrations expressing self-opinions as an easy and normally humorous style. Using the illustration skills and easy-going humor styles, sarcasm of hopeless and helpless on current government and economic situation was presented. The criticism and self-reflection to current society were expressed using the creation style, and were purposely become another style of contemporary literati drawing. The researcher hopes that this creation can bring our modern livings some pleasure, cure, sarcasm, and reflection. In addition, this creation may stimulate another kind of value toward art admiration, and to inherit the art culture. Moreover, the researcher hopes that the readers can gradually feel the aesthetic and the connotation of ancients’ poetry after viewing this creation, and to improve another kind of culture virtue.


辛農重編(1992)。《唐詩三百首 上、中、下》。台北市:地球出版社。
李叔同著 行痴編(2008)。《李叔同談藝》。八方出版。
