  • 學位論文


A study of the Service Quality and Resident's Satisfaction in Long-Term Care Facilities

指導教授 : 李俊鴻


「高齡化、少子化」是世界已開發國家普遍所面臨的現象,再加 上醫藥及科技的進步,更使得長期病患存活的期間延長,死亡率逐漸 下降,老化的人口增加的比率越來越高,對於長期照護的需求也日益 殷切。而社會型態及家庭結構的改變,機構照護的需求也越來越大, 但是由於資訊的不對等,多數人缺乏對長期照護機構服務的使用經 驗,因此對大多數的人而言,必須仰賴專業人員的口碑來判斷服務的 優劣。因此,用以衡量服務品質的滿意度,成為瞭解住民對長期照護 機構服務品質的認知因素極重要的績效指標,同時也是選擇長期照護 機構時考慮的因素。 本研究主要目的即在瞭解住民對長期照護機構服務品質的認知 因素,探討服務品質認知集群在機構認知、社會經濟背景及滿意度之 差異性,並進一步分析影響住民滿意度的相關因素。將有助於學術界 對長期照護機構服務品質的應用與了解,亦有助於政府與相關單位將 來在推動長期照護機構運作的參考依據。本研究以南投縣之長期照護 機構為主,採立意取樣成功訪問157 位住民。 研究結果顯示:(1)「保證性」、「反應性」、「關懷性」是住民較 重視的服務品質,但實際感受皆低於期望;(2)住民對服務品質之實 際感受以「關懷性」最低,但「員工能時常的關心您」之感受同意程 度是比較高,顯示出服務提供者可能忽略了住民個別性的需求;(3) 服務品質感受高的住民願意花費較高的費用,對機構整體的滿意程度 也比較高;(4)且以入住醫院附設護理之家以及未罹患慢性病的住民 對服務品質之感受較高;(5)醫院附設型護理之家、平均收入較高、 日常生活活動能力較佳及服務品質感受較高的住民滿意度將越高。


「Age society and few-generating」have become the phenomena that the developed country concerned with in the world. The progress of the medicine and technology make patients’ live survives , death rate drops gradually, the rate of aged population higher and the demand of long-term care services incrased. As the changes of social and family structure, we need more long-term facilities .Due to the lack of information most people do not know and use the long-term facility’s service. In general,the good quality of service depends on the word-of-mouth information which the professional staffs received. The satisfaction of service quality is a method to assess the facility’s quality and an important effective index which is the residents’ cognition for long-term care facilities .And it is a factor that residents consider to choose which one. The major purpose of this article attempts to understand how residents’cognition about the service quality of long-term care facilities and research two groups of differences in facility’s cognition ,social economic background and satisfaction .In this paper we also present a further analysis of the correlation of satisfaction .The study may lead to be a better understanding and application of the service quality for academy .It is useful for the government to apply our findings in executing the facility’s operation. The participants for this research were selected from the long-term care facilities in Nantou County. We adopted a purposive sampling to visit 157 residents participated in the study. Results of this study shows :(1)「Assurance」、「Responsiveness」、 「Empathy」,the residents care for these 3 determinants of service quality ,but the perceived service is lower than the expected service .(2)The actual perception of the residents is low for the determinant of「Empathy」.But the residents are quite in agreement with 「whether the staffs take care of them often」.The result reveals that the service provider may have neglected their individual demands.(3) The residents prefer to spend more money on good service quality, and they are satisfied with the facilities.(4) The residents who live in the hospital-affiliated nursing homes or do not suffer from chronic disease have higher perception for service quality.(5) Satisfaction seems to be closely connected to these conditions below:hospital-affiliated nursing homes 、high average income 、activity of daily living and high perceived service. In other words, the residents will be very satisfied with facilities under these conditions.


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