  • 學位論文


The Weight Control Education and the Weight Control Awareness Education – the Research Target – Nantou Elementary School

指導教授 : 楊志良


學校是百年樹人的園地,是教育實施的主要場所,而學童又是國家未來的主人翁,學童有健康的身心,學童才能專心致力於學習上,要是學童健康出了問題,學童的學習、國家的未來希望一切都將付之流水。肥胖已成為全球性的流行病,「如何預防肥」是世界多數國家關注的公共衛生議題。近年來,國內國小學童體位值有不斷向上升高的趨勢,「國際肥胖任務小組-IOTF」調查發現,我國兒童及青少年體重過重及肥胖的盛行率在28個主要國家地區中與美國並列第7 位,除了高於歐洲大多數國家外,也高於中國大陸快一倍之多。WHO在2002年的報告中提出,肥胖是威脅健康的十大危險因素其中之一。在美國的研究發現,80%的肥胖兒童將來長大後會成為肥胖者;兒童期就肥胖者,不論在心血管疾病罹患率,及總死亡率上,都較成年後肥胖者高。 本研究針對國民小學體重控制認知為主要議題,就體重控制教育對學童體重控制知識、態度和行為等層面影響進行研究探討。研究對象為南投縣南投國民小學的學童,學童分為對照組與實驗組,透過問卷調查方式進行前測、後測交叉比較分析,有效收集511份問卷,採取之統計分析方法包含敘述統計、變異數分析方法、Scheffé事後檢定來探討不同組別變數間之差異性,並採用變異數分析來衡量不同組別、年級對體重控制教育介入反應程度之差異性,以期找出體重控制教育對國小學童體重控制認知上的影響,做為學校體重控制教育教學改進及後續研究參考。本研究結果對照「台灣國小學童營養健康狀況調查2001-2002統計」結果:國小學童過重盛行率約15 %,肥胖盛行率約12 %。其過重比率相近,但肥胖比率高出3.3%。使我們不得不正視學童體重控制問題的重要性。研究結果也顯示有體重控制教育介入的實驗組,在課程結束後,體重控制知識平均得分提高18.66分,而對照組則是退步1.01分,其效果顯著;而身體質量指數與態度、行為沒有顯著相關;體重控制知識與態度有部分相關,與行為則沒有顯著相關。表示體重控制教育課程可有效提昇兒童對於「體重控制」的認知,本研究結果期望能夠提供有效的教育方式,以達到降低兒童體位不合格率的目的。


School is a major forum to put education into practice. Education is a prolonged and continuous process. Children are our future. Only children with healthy well-being can achieve effective learning. Therefore, if poor health occurs to children, their learning and our hope for the future will be impaired. Recently, there is a tendency for increase weight of our children. The results of “Statistics of Taiwanese Elementary School Children’s weights, nutrient, and health from 2001~2002” show that the over-weight ratio of elementary students is 15%. The obesity ratio of elementary students is 12%. Comparing the results of this research and the statistics aforementioned, the ratio of weight control between the two is comparable. Whereas, the obesity ratio is increased by 3.3%. The ratio tells us to recognize the obesity problem in our elementary students. This research focuses on the awareness of weight control of elementary students as a main issue to explore the influence of our weight control education. The focuses are stratified into the knowledge of weight control, the attitude towards weight control, and the behavior of weight control. Subjects of this research are students of Nan Tou Elementary School which are grouped into experiment group and control group. There are 511 valid questionnaires collected. The data are analyzed pre-test, and post-test cross sectional analysis. The utilized research methods include descriptive statistic, variant analysis research method, Scheffe’s method to explore the different variances among groups. Also, the variances are used to measure the degree of responsive level of different groups, and different grades. Therefore, the influential factors of the awareness of weight control can be detected. In the hope that more effective weight control education can be created after the published of this research. The results of this research show that after the intervention of the weight control education, the surveys of the experimental group have increased 18.66 points after the intervened course. The control group has dropped 1.01 point with no treatment at all. The result is scientifically significant. Also, there is no correlation among BMI (Body Mass Index), the attitude towards weight control and behavioral factors of weight control. There is correlation between the knowledge of weight control and attitude towards weight control. There is no correlation between knowledge factor and behavior factor. This research suggests that weight control education can effectively improve elementary students’ awareness of weight control. The results of this research can be used to provide an effective educational method of weight control. Therefore, the ratio of the over-weight and obesity can be decreased and further be eliminated in the future.


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