  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Market Segmentation of Health Caring Product Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃萬傳博士


國內消費者健康意識抬頭,於其消費能力提升後,開始追求休閒、健康、美容及瘦身等風潮。為解決運動及雕塑體態等問題,國人對健運動器材的需求逐漸提昇。製造商為滿足消費者求新求變的健康養生運動器材的需求,改善運動器材有別於一般傳統的保健器材,使不易操做的機器有更多貼心的功能。自1977年至今,研究個案二十餘年來堅持“誠信”、“負責”、“健康”、“人性”及“科技”為經營理念。研究個案結合先進的技術提供更理性、舒適性及實用性的產品,並推動完善的售後服務。 市場區隔是瞭解消費者生活型態,使個案公司提供正確的產品與服務給消費者。個案公司若能利用區隔策略來進入國內的利基市場,然後集中行銷與財政資源用在此利基市場,則對個案公司營運發展有莫大助益。 基於此,若企業能針對目標市場區隔消費者,由此擬定高效能的行銷策略。據此,本文研究目的如下: (一) 個案公司與運動器材產業之相關及其分析; (二) 透過研究樣本調查暸解顧客的基本特徵; (三) 依據市場區隔的方法將對顧客進行區隔以尋求標的市場;及 (四) 依據市場區隔的結果,研議行銷策略。 本研究以個案公司中部地區門市 (台中、彰化及南投) 的16家連鎖分店為訪問據點,問卷採用隨機抽樣方法,現場發放方式,讓受試者當場填寫回收,本文有效樣本為104份。樣本收集完成後,以集群分析進行對顧客之生活型態進行市場區隔。 由本研究結果得知,「運動器材屬性之滿意度」之區隔,顧客多著重在「體驗效用導向」,「服務導向」與「產品設計導向」亦是消費者重視的區隔。「顧客的生活型態」之區隔以「崇洋媚外導向」為主。「養生保健導向」、「美容保健導向」、「追求流行導向」與「飲食按摩導向」亦是消費者重視的區隔。


More and more people go to the gyms to do exercise in Taiwan, and they are seeking the good body shapes and health lives. Besides going to the gyms, the customers would buy the health caring products to do exercise at home. Because the needs of the health caring products are increasing, the industries would do their best to satisfy the needs that the customers have asked. Therefore, the industries have to focus on some specific groups to satisfy their needs and wants. The purposes of this paper are as following: 1. to understand and analyze the features of case company. 2. to understand the characteristics of the customers by using the servey samplings. 3. to evaluate and select the target market by using the process of market segmentation. 4. design the right strategies within the particular segments via the results of this paper. This paper is to clarify the segmentation of the customers in the case company. This paper would build the empirical model via Cluster Analysis. The data used by this paper are from the field survey based the consumers went to buy the products offered by 16 chain-store of the case company in the regions of Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou in middle Taiwan. The 240 samples were sampling by randomly without adjustment, only 104 samples used in this paper. The results of the segmentation in the health caring product characteristics are the service oriented, the product design oriented, and the effectiveness oriented, and the segmentation of the lifestyle of the customers are worshipping foreign products oriented, expending carefully oriented, seeking fashion oriented, exercising to keep in good shape oriented, beauty and health care oriented, and diet and massage oriented.


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