  • 學位論文


A Study on Competitive Indicators of Credit Department of Farmer Associations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡碩倉


回顧農會信用部雖已歷經三波金融整頓,惟未遭整併倖存之農會信用部,在整體金融環境比較下,充其量僅居「後段班」地位。一旦面臨外在金融環境更加自由化,內部又受到僵化性法規箝制,農會信用部在內外多方利空夾擊下,終究慘遭整併命運。換言之,農會信用部已面臨叢林法則競爭關鍵時期,提升其競爭力,實屬當務之急課題。 本研究以Porter鑽石理論為架構,透過專家問卷並以層級分析法彙整,建構農會信用部競爭力指標。根據本文問卷統計分析之結果,影響農會信用部競爭力關鍵因素順序分別:在「生產要素」方面為農會信用部擁有足夠之資本淨值,在「企業策略、結構、競爭狀態」方面為加強信用部之金融監督檢查制度,強化經營體制,在「需求條件」方面為強化在地品牌,提升會員忠誠度,在「政府」方面為法令鬆綁,在「相關及支援產業」方面為政府委辦政策性專案農業貸款,在「機會」方面為配合農業金庫之設立,重新檢視信用部經營體制,期可供行政主管機構輔導管理及強化農會信用部經營之參考。


Although Credit Department of Farmer Associations had already undergone three financial reorganizations in the past, there are still some remains that perform poorly, if not at all mediocre in the whole financial environment. Once facing the financial market is further liberalized externally, it is quite likely that Credit Department of Farmer Associations will be merged hostilely thanks to its internal stiff, and nonflexible restrictions. In other words, the moment of truth had already come to the doorstep of Credit Department of Farmer Associations, and this is the main objective of this study to strength up the competitiveness of the institution before it is too late. This research is based on the Porter’s Diamond Theory and constructed the competitive indicators of the Credit Department of Farmer Associations by compiling expert's opinion and via the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) . According to the questionnaire statisticses analytical result, influence Credit Department of Farmer Associations competitiveness key factors are : At" factor conditions " aspect for Credit Department of Farmer Associations own the enough net capital, at" firm strategy, structure, and rivalry " aspect for the financial check system that strengthen the credit department, and enhancing the system of conduct management, at "the need condition" aspect for enhancing the local brand and promoting member's loyalty,at "government" aspect for the ordinance relaxed , at" related and supporting industries " aspect for the loan of the policy project on agriculture which is authorized by government, at"chance" aspect for re-examining the credit department conduct system for cooperating to establish the agriculture treasury. The reference that expect to be a guidance for the administration supervisor organization to manage and enhance the farmers' association reputation department management.


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