  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Risk Factors for Lower Limb Injuires among Female Adolescent Elite Soccer Players

指導教授 : 張庭彰 洪彰鴻


足球是風靡全球深受囑目的運動項目,能夠提升國內足球運動成績無疑是踏上國際舞台的重要目標。但隨著足球訓練強度與頻率增函,運動傷害的危險性亦不斷提高,突發性的運動傷害及累積的傷害會影響足球選手超越顛峰、締造佳績外,更可能縮短其運動生涯,甚至危害生命,付出龐大的社會醫療成本。 本研究期望透過Heinrich的「骨牌理論」(Domino Theory)以及Drury and Brill的情境分析理論探討國內青少女足球選手在進行足球活動的過程中,運動傷害之現況及安全管理情形,特別針對足球運動特性中最常發生在下肢的傷害情形逐一分析,詴圖找出預防足球運動傷害最佳之模式提供教練、選手參考。研究對象為參函98年之全國中等學校足球聯賽獲得前四名之國、高中優秀青少女足球隊伍;本研究方法採問卷調查來探討其運動傷害情形。結果發現134名青少女足球選手均曾因足球運動而發生過運動傷害,特別容易在訓練時發生傷害(100%),受傷後由教練、老師(58.2%)決定是否繼續參與活動,其中最常發生之下肢運動傷害部位及類型為大腿肌肉拉傷(70.1%)及踝關節韌帶扭傷(64.2%),受傷後立即處理的方式為冰敷(87.3%)。在運動情境安全管理項目中會因不同年齡、學歷、居住地區有所影響。根據上述研究結果提供給教練及足球選手做為運動訓練時之參考,並將骨牌理論融入本研究預防足球運動傷害之三階段,若有關單位、教練及選手能三管齊下,確實施行此三階段,破壞其連銷效應,相信足球運動傷害情形必能有降低。


Soccer has become a popular sport not only in Europe but also in other parts of the world during the past decade. However, this physical activity usually results in many injuries, with the knee and ankle joints being the most commonly affected sites. previous injury has been identified as a risk factor for injury. Thus, identifying and understanding risk factors are necessary to develop preventive measures. The aim of the study, therefore, was to identify and realize injury risk factors and to develop target measures to prevent injuries. The study which was based on Domino Theory(Heinrich)and Scenario Analysis(Drury and Brill)was to investigate the risk factors for lower limb injuries in elite female soccers. Data were gathered from eight adolescent female soccer teams (both junior and senior teams)which won the first four prizes in National Middle School Soccer League Tournament in 2009. At Baseline, these adolescent female soccer players(aged 12-18)were asked to complete a detailed questionnaire covering sports participation, history of previous injuries, and present lower limb functions. According to researches total of 134 most players sustained at least one injury. And as many as 78 players(58.2%)reported that they were made by the coaches to return to play in the game after an injury. The most common major injuries were thigh injury(70.1%), followed by ankle sprain(64.2%). And ice application(87.3%) is the most accepted treatment to help reduce swelling, bleeding, and pain. Furthermore, injury risks are assessed on an individual basis. For example, in the item of movement safety control, soccer players had different recalls according to their ages, scholarships, and residences. In conclusion, more effective strategies are needed to support players and coaches in the treatment and rehabilitation of the original injury to prevent further ones. And evaluating the existing rules of soccer and their appropriate application may also help to decrease injury risks.




