  • 學位論文


Critical Success Factors on Brand Management by Analytic Network Process

指導教授 : 蔡碩倉


品牌經營一向是台灣企業在經營管理上相對較弱的一環,因此導致台灣企業始終無法順利獲得微笑曲線兩端應有的高附加價值利益。而「品牌」本身即為一種隱藏在消費者內心深處的自我認知,企業經營者若要駕馭品牌經營,尚須審慎考量諸多層面,並須釐清影響因素間之相互關係,方能掌握品牌經營關鍵成功因素。故本研究目的即是冀望能對品牌中諸多隱晦的模糊語意,尋求出個中關鍵因素,以提供產業經營者對品牌經營議題之參考依據。 本研究首先以即時德菲法與專家訪談,確立研究架構並據以發展問卷設計,再以網路程序分析法釐清品牌經營關鍵成功因素。研究結果發現,品牌經營構面中以「品牌策略」為最主要構面,其中的關鍵因素為「品牌定位」及「品牌識別」;「品牌維護」為次要構面,其中的關鍵因素為「產品創新」與「品牌管理」;排序最後的構面為「品牌發展」,其中的關鍵因素為「品牌溝通」與「品牌知識」。 研究建議,品牌經營首重「品牌策略」,策略中則以「品牌定位」為最優先考量因素,故品牌經營第一步須藉由「品牌定位」建立企業之「品牌識別」,方能使消費者在市場市上清楚區別其它競爭品牌。而一旦品牌開始導入後,第二步即需要持續進行「品牌維護」,其中最為關鍵者為持續不斷的「產品創新」,藉由貼近消費者的感覺,不斷發掘消費者的需求,進而使消費者需求獲得滿足並感動,其次再進行「品牌管理」,持續強化品牌形象或調整品牌權益來源以維護品牌權益的最大價值。第三步進入「品牌發展」階段,則以「品牌溝通」為首要關鍵因素,亦即將品牌的價值藉由合宜的管道與消費者保持溝通,並要利用品牌形象功效與「品牌知識」,使消費者對品牌產生聯想。


Brand management has always been relatively weak in the operation and management among Taiwanese companies. That resulted in the inability of Taiwan’s enterprises in getting a smile smooth curve at both ends which have the interests of high-added value. “Brand” itself is a kind of hidden message that brings about the self-awareness in the consumers’ hearts, therefore, if enterprise managers want to control the brand management, they need to carefully consider the impact on many levels. Clarity in the inter-relationship impact between the elements is necessary to ensure the brand critical success factors. The purpose of this study is to seek out a key element from the obscure ambiguity in the brand in order to provide the brand management subjects a reference to the industry operators. First of all, Delphi method and the real-time interviewing with experts established the structure of this study and developing the questionnaire. Later, analytic network process helped to clarify the critical success factors of network brand management. The study result showed that “Brand Strategy” as the primary dimension in the dimensions of brand management. The key elements include the “Brand Position”, and the “Brand Identification”. The secondary dimension is “Brand Maintenance” which includes the “Product Innovation” and the “Brand Control” as the key factors. “Brand Development” is the final dimension in which the key factors for the “Brand Communication” and the “Brand Knowledge”. The recommendation from the study is “Brand Strategy” should be the first consideration. Strategy is seen in the “Brand Position” as the top priority deliberations and it is the first step in brand management. “Brand Position” is used to set up an enterprises’ “Brand Identification” in order to allow the consumers clearly distinguished one brand from the other competing brands in the market. Once the brand has been introduced, the second step is continuing “Brand Maintenance”. Meanwhile the most critical point is continuous “Product Innovation” by getting in touch with the consumers’ feeling and constantly explores the needs of consumers in order to satisfy them. Followed by “Brand Control” to strengthen the brand image or adjust the sources of brand equity in order to protect the brand equity of the maximum value. The third step is the “Brand Development” stage. The “Brand Communication” is the most important key factor. In other words, the values of the brand need to go though the appropriate channels to communicate with consumers and take advantage of the effectiveness of the brand image and “Brand Knowledge” which allows consumers associates the brand in their decision process.


17.高登第(2002)譯,David A. Aaker & Erich Joachimsthaler合著,品牌領導,台北:天下文化。


