  • 學位論文

運用Joomla!建置Web2.0 互動式之國小網站系統

Using Joomla! to Build a Web2.0-styled Interactive School Website

指導教授 : 林新力


隨著教育改革與時代演進,學校教育由半封閉性體系轉向開放市場機制,校園網站提供與外界良好的互動及回饋系統已成為學校經營重要環節。但多數的國小網站仍以單向式資訊傳播為主,採用Web2.0 概念互動功能在學校網站中尚有發展之空間。 依據文獻的探討與回顧,本研究藉由網站系統的建置,使學校網站達成下列需求:1. 加強學校網站人際互動功能,成為學校成員溝通、交流及意見回饋的管道;2. 網站中融入閱讀學習社群應用,提供校內師生分享討論、參與學習,並推廣學校閱讀教學特色; 3. 學校網站應用社群網絡服務 (SNS, Social Networking Service) 的互動來輔助學校特色推廣;4.結合第三方多元的網路應用,提供學校網站附加服務。 本研究由開放原始碼的Joomla!內容管理系統做為框架,規畫系統擴充元件,透過Web2.0 概念建置有網路社群與混搭機制的國小網站,讓學校組織能運用網站系統以即時性與非即時性的方式與網路使用者溝通,除提供使用者服務資訊,也讓使用者能參與回饋,藉此溝通模式輔助學校網站經營。


Joomla! 學校網站 互動式


In response to recent education market development and technology advancement, the school education system has been gradually transformed from a semi-closed to an open-market operation. Constructing a school web platform that provides interactive mechanism with feedback system to the public audiences has become an important trend in school operation and management. Currently most elementary school sites are still in one-way dissemination of information mode, and adoption of Web2.0-styled interactive features of need to be emphasized. Based on literature review and discussion, the research objectives of this study aims to build a Web2.0-styled primary school website that will: 1. Provide school staff members with channel for communication and feedback. 2. Integrate a reading community within school website to promote school characteristics by providing forums for teachers and students. 3. Utilize social networking service to promote school characteristics. 4. Enhance school website with 3rd-party applications to provide additional services. In this study, a web2.0-styled interactive web platform was constructed using open-source Joomla!- Content management system. Social networking functions such as Facebook and Twitter as well as Google mash-up services and some 3rd-party applications were also integrated to enhance interactivities of such platform. Hopefully this web platform can market the idea and characteristic of school more effectively to students, parents and the community audiences in general.


Joomla! School Website Interactive


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