  • 學位論文


Embedding Stream Media in Accessing Medical Imaging for the EMR System

指導教授 : 陳偉


近年來,雖然各醫療院所已逐漸將病歷資料電腦化,但是就診民眾仍無法將個人的病歷資料攜出院外,使得就診民眾無法在自家的電腦上看到個人的病歷資料,更無法藉此作自我健康管理。隨著國際間交流日趨頻繁,國人出國旅遊、求學或經商等活動頻繁,當不慎在外地遇到疾病或意外事故,若能將個人健康記錄提供當地醫師參考,對於自身的健康與安全將更有保障,使得可攜式電子病歷的需求愈顯重要。本研究提出嵌入串流媒體於可攜式電子病歷醫療影像存取之應用,使得電子病歷除可記錄純文字病歷檔案資料,還能存取各種靜態或動態之醫療影像,作為臨床診斷處置之參考,並促進醫療院所間醫學影像的資訊交流。透過串流媒體技術提昇網路傳輸的影像品質,同時結合病歷交換服務中心及HCA (Health Certificate Authorization)等資訊安全機制,保障醫療影像的傳輸安全與著作財產權,使病患受到及時有效且良好的連續性照護。


Due to increasing incidents of accidents or illness taking place during business trips, travel, or overseas studies, the demand for portable EMR (Electronic Medical Records) has increased. This article proposes a method to embed stream media into medical imaging access for the EMR system to facilitate referrals, contracted laboratories, and disease notification among hospitals. This method not only could acquire the text files of EMR, but also access static and dynamic medical images for the reference of clinical diagnosis and treatment, and in addition, expedite the exchange of medical image information among hospitals. Furthermore, this method could improve image quality during Internet transmissions, via stream media technology, and protect the property rights of the medical image through the information security mechanisms of the Medical Record Interchange Service Center and Health Certificate Authorization in order that patients can be treated properly, efficiently, and continuously.


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