  • 學位論文


Culture Difference Impact on Bicycle Marketing by Using Data Mining

指導教授 : 曹世昌 蔡孟勳




In recent years, due to high oil prices, and driving motor vehicles causing emitting carbon dioxide which leads to pollution of the natural world, therefore the government advocates " saving energy and reducing environmental exploration" to all the people so that the bikes have gradually become the new favorite vehicles for people since there is no need to use fuel oil resulting in polluting emissions. Because the bike can be driven without the use of fuel oil, it greatly reduces the necessary cost, and without emissions to implement the environmental advantages. Due to bicycles requiring human to self drive, the process of driving a bike is equal to the rider at the same time doing effective exercise behavior, and in doing so bikes have added an additional advantage. It can be learned from the above description that the bike industry is worthy of our attention. The European name-brand bicycles are made by Giant Factory established in Taiwan. While the bicycle vehicle was evolved from the Europe, therefore, it is hoped that the factors for the European customers to buy bikes are based to analyze whether the purchase of the bicycle will be different due to cultural differences among nations and countries. By using data mining to build the models, the model information was analyzed in depth based on cultural sentiments from the countries themselves, and national sentiments and national cultural differences among countries to find out the factors affecting whether to buy a bike, and then apply the analyzed information to the marketing strategy.


bicycle data mining decision tree neural network


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