  • 學位論文


A Study on Software Requirements Gathering Using Kipling Method and Sentence Analysis

指導教授 : 李思堯


需求模糊與遺漏除了造成使用者在軟體開發過程中變更需求的可能,亦提高軟體專案失敗的機會。因此,如何讓系統分析師盡可能發現需求敘述中潛在模糊或遺漏處而加以改善,對於軟體系統的開發是至關重要的。 本研究針對需求模糊與遺漏的問題,提出利用六何法與文句解析的方式建置一需求蒐集輔助系統(Requirement Gathering Assistant, RGA),以協助系統分析師發現需求敘述中的模糊或遺漏處,而獲取明確完整的需求。首先,利用文句解析分析使用案例敘述文句的組成結構,再以六何法的組成要素讓系統分析師再次思考所撰寫的使用案例敘述,以瞭解文句中欲表達之意,發現可能的需求模糊或遺漏。 最後,本研究利用分組測驗的方法進行實驗,以驗證六何法與文句解析之有效性。實驗結果顯示有了六何法與文句解析的協助,有助於在蒐集需求的過程中獲取明確完整的需求。


Ambiguous or incomplete requirements may cause the need of requirement change during the development process of software systems. Even more, they may result in failure of system development. Thus, it is important to let system analysts find as much ambiguity and incompleteness as possible when describing system requirements so that the quality of re-quirements may be improved. This research proposed a method using Kipling method and sentence analysis to help system analysts reviewing and discovering ambiguity and incompleteness in requirement statements. First, the proposed method analyzes the structure of statements in a use case using sentence analysis. Then, the results of analysis, as well as the original statements, are shown to the users according to the components proposed in the Kipling method such that the analysts can review whether the requirements are expressed in the statements clearly and completely. A system named Requirement Gathering Assistant (RGA) is built to implement the proposed method. Experiments are conducted on students attending the course of system analysis, which are divided into experiment group and control group. The results of experiments show that the clearness and completeness of requirements can indeed be improved with the help of Kipling method and sentence analysis.


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