  • 學位論文


A Study on Tourists’ Attitudes toward Environmental Conservation and River Recreational Safety

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


河川遊憩兼具休閒及環境保護教育功能,近年來由於台灣夏日溫度日益增高,夏日戲水人士增加,溺水事故之發生也相對增加。本研究旨在瞭解遊客對環境保育及河川遊憩安全之態度,並探討環境保育態度及河川遊憩安全態度的相關情形,以便增加台灣河川之遊憩安全。本研究採問卷調查法,於2011年2月至2011年3月期間,針對河川遊憩遊客進行問卷調查,共發出430份,有效問卷403份,有效問卷率93.72﹪。將回收的樣本資料經統計分析後,其研究結論如下: 一、受訪者對「環境保育」與「河川遊憩安全」的認知程度良好。 二、受訪者對「台灣過去易發生溺水事故之河川」與「台灣過去易發生溺水事故之河川溺水事故發生原因」的認知程度不足。 三、受訪者對環境保育態度屬中上程度與良好的河川遊憩安全態度。 四、受訪者的個人基本資料與其對環境保育總態度之關係 (一)女性受訪者對環境保育總態度優於男性受訪者。 (二)「年齡<25歲」受訪者對環境保育總態度優於「年齡>25歲」受訪者。 五、受訪者的個人基本資料與其對河川遊憩安全態度之關係。 (一)女性受訪者對河川遊憩安全態度優於男性受訪者。 (二)「年齡<25歲」受訪者對河川遊憩安全總態度優於「年齡>25歲」受訪者。 六、受訪者「游泳能力」越佳,其「水中救人能力」越佳。 七、受訪者環境保育認知的情形越好,其對河川遊憩安全態度部份越好。 最後依據研究結論建議政府相關機關、學校單位加強環境保育教育及河川遊憩安全教育,以減少溺水事故之再度發生。


River recreational safety contains both leisure and environmental conservation functions. The temperature of Taiwan in summer is increasing recently. More people like to join the water recreation; unfortunately many drowning accidents happened while people go on water recreation. The purpose of this research was to study tourists’ attitudes toward environmental conservation and river recreational safety to increase water recreational safety. Four hundred thirty people were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. Four hundred and three valid data were used to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 93.72%. The surveys were conducted during the period of February to March 2011. The results of this study were the followings: 1. The surveyed tourists had good cognitions of environmental conservation and river recreational safety. 2. The surveyed tourists had less knowledge on rivers with most drowning accidents happened and the reasons for rivers with most drowning accidents happened in Taiwan. 3. The surveyed tourists had middle level attitudes of environmental conservation and river recreational safety. 4. The relationship between the demographic data of surveyed tourists and their environmental conservation attitudes. a. Female surveyed tourists had better environmental conservation attitudes than males’. b. Over 25 year-old surveyed tourists had better environmental conservation attitudes than less 25 year-old ones. 5. The relationship between the demographic data of surveyed tourists and their river recreational safety attitudes. a. Female surveyed tourists had better river recreational safety attitudes than males’. b. Over 25 year-old surveyed tourists had better river recreational safety attitudes than less 25 year-old ones. 6. The better swimming abilities of the surveyed tourists were the better water rescue capabilities of ones were. 7. The better environmental conservation cognitions of the surveyed tourists were the better river recreational safety of ones were. Regarding to the results of this research, related Governments or schools are suggested to enforce the knowledge and implementation of environmental conservation and river recreational safety.


台北:中 華民國戶外遊憩學會。
