  • 學位論文


Construct of Application of H.264/AVC Technology to the Telemedicine Consultation System

指導教授 : 陳偉


隨著國人平均壽命的延長,大家開始對於醫療保健照護方面的重視,以預防勝於治療的觀點出發,國人將逐漸重視起隨時的醫療行為,也希望病患能夠在最短的時間內接受到各方最好的意見以及最即時的治療,也因此國內各大醫療院所開始推展各項的遠距視訊醫療照護計畫後,普遍發覺一般的遠距視訊在畫質清晰度、視訊規格、檔案容量及網路頻寬等需求多所限制,因此普及率低與實用性不足。 本文提出以H.264/AVC技術應用於遠距醫療會診系統之建構,使用新一代的串流媒體技術改善原有畫質不佳、消耗頻寬、檔案容量大等缺點,使用者可透過本系統完成高畫質即時視訊診斷、遠端細微手術指導與高畫質影音臨床教學。因此藉由H.264/AVC技術影音串流媒體技術以及串流媒體伺服器(stream media server)的探討,以建立一個可廣泛應用的高畫質影音串流系統架構,系統運用高畫質攝影機(HDV)、網路攝影機、數位攝影機、數位相機或手機相機等攝影設備,建構完整的遠距醫療會診系統,同時改善影音串流在網際網路傳輸的流暢性。 此系統不僅可開發出更廣泛多樣的應用系統,在未來更可以在更廣泛的領域上來使用,如網路多方視訊會議、網路視訊教學、護理居家照護、網路視訊聊天室及網路數位家庭等高畫質應用系統,亦可有效率地應用於網路同步與非同步之隨選視訊(video on demand)與資料群享(data on demand),解決視訊畫質不佳、影音串流傳輸不流暢及影像辨識度差等問題。


As life expectancy increases people, we began to care for the health care aspects of attention in order to prevent the point of view is better than cure, people will gradually attention from medical practices at any time, but also want patients to be able to receive the shortest possible time With the best views and most immediate treatment, and therefore the major domestic health care facilities began putting the remote video medical care plan, it was generally found in the general definition of remote video resolution, video Specifications, such as file size and network bandwidth requirements and more limited by low coverage and therefore less practical. This paper proposes a technology for telemedicine consultation H.264/AVC system construction, the use of a new generation of streaming media technology to improve the existing poor quality, consumption of bandwidth and large file size disadvantage, the user through the System to complete diagnosis of high quality live video, remote minor surgery and high-definition video and audio guidance to clinical teaching. Therefore, by H.264/AVC video streaming media technology and the technical streaming media server (stream media server) to explore, to create a widely used high-definition video and audio streaming system architecture, system uses high-definition camera (HDV), network cameras, digital cameras, digital camera or cell phone cameras and other photographic equipment, establish a comprehensive long-distance medical consultation system, while improving audio and video streaming transmission over the Internet fluency. This system not only develop a wider variety of applications in the future can also come in a wider area of use, such as multi-network video conferencing, Internet video teaching, nursing home care, internet video chat room and High-definition digital home networking applications, can be efficiently used in synchronous and asynchronous networks of VOD (video on demand) and data base sharing (data on demand), video quality is not resolved Good, smooth video streaming and image is not recognizable and poor.


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