  • 學位論文


Unveil the Mysteries of Kuei-Shan Buddhist Order: Focus on Master Kuei-Shan Ling-Yu

指導教授 : 釋果暉


靈祐作為五家之首的創始者,其相關研究甚少,而關於其教團之發展亦少人聞問,可以說是禪宗史上亟待補全的一塊拼圖。本論文以文獻學方法考察靈祐的生平、著作及教法,並透過結合靈祐法嗣的繼承、創新及傳法發展,以及考察禪籍中的溈仰宗及溈仰宗風,層層揭露溈山教團的神秘面紗,並對靈祐及其周圍的人、事、時、地有整合性的認識。 本論文考察的文獻範圍是以靈祐及其法嗣的塔銘、《宋高僧傳》傳記,及早期語錄《祖堂集》及《景德傳燈錄》所載語錄為主;而較晚期的語錄,諸如《五燈會元》或明代集成的《潭州溈山靈祐禪師語錄》等,則做為與早期語錄的比較之用。 本研究發現靈祐重視經教,並常融會於禪法開示,溈山教團之衰,主要乃是與會昌法難後典籍大量佚失,義學傳承斷絕而不易獲得共鳴有關。靈祐的重要法嗣中,以慧寂繼承為最,並青出於藍。慧寂因應會昌難後不利於以經教弘揚的情況,越發強調融經教意涵於圓相當中的教法,因此而使圓相成為後世所謂溈仰宗風的主要特色。因此,溈山禪乃是先轉入仰山禪,再續以與臨濟之合流;雖溈仰宗於宋代法脈湮滅不顯,然而其教法卻融入臨濟宗的傳承當中。 本研究不僅能使對靈祐及溈山教團有更完整的理解,也能釐清靈祐在禪宗史上的價值及歷史意義。


Though Kuei-Shan Ling-Yu is the founder of the Kuei Yang Sect—the earliest one of the Five Branches of Chan School—there are rare researches of Ling-Yu. People knows little about him and his order. All of these is just like a lost composite picture of the Chan history. The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of Kuei-Shan Buddhist Order and the role of its founder—master Kuei-Shan Ling-Yu in the history of Chan school. The study examined the life, the writing and the sayings of Ling-Yu and the related Chan masters with a historical literature review method. The main literature for analyzing was the biography, the inscription, and the recorded sayings in Zu tang Ji(祖堂集) and Jingde Chuandeng Lu(景德傳燈錄) of Ling-Yu. As the sayings recorded after the Southern Sung Dynasty were took for a comparison. It was discovered that Ling-Yu took the buddhist sutras and discipline seriously. He frequently quoted the classics in his writing and sayings. However, after the the Hui-Chang Persecution(會昌法難), most buddhist writings were destroyed, and a lot of Buddhist monks and nuns were forced to secularization. So it was getting hard to appreciate and resonate Ling-Yu’s teaching. To respond the tendency, Hui-Ji—the most famous dhama hair of Ling-Yu and both the founder of the Kuei Yang Sect—placed more emphases on the circle symbolization and developed many derivative variation. The circle symbolization teachings were popular among the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, and became the well-known feature of the Kuei Yang Sect. In the course of development, the Kuei-Shan School initially turned into the Yang-Shan School, and finally flowed into the Lin-Ji School in the Sung Dynasty. The results of the study revealed that although the lineage of the Kuei Yang Sect was buried in oblivion in the the Sung Dynasty, but its teaching was passed on by the Lin-Ji School. And Ling-Yu played a key role in the early stage of the forming the the Five Branches of Chan School. By the study, there was much clear understanding of Ling-Yu and the Kuei-Shan Buddhist Order.


大正新修大藏經刊行會編(1988),《大正新脩大藏經》,東京:大藏出版株式會社;河村照孝編集(1975-1989),《卍新纂大日本續藏經》,東京:株式會社國書刊行會;藍吉富主編(1985),《大藏經補編》,台北:華宇出版社;徑山藏版版藏(1987),《嘉興大藏經》,台北:新文豐。「中華電子佛典協會」(Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association,簡稱CBETA)電子佛典系列,2016 版光碟。
《法句經》。CBETA, T04, no. 210。
《大般若波羅蜜多經》。CBETA, T05, no. 220。
《方廣大莊嚴經》。CBETA, T03, no. 187。
