  • 期刊


The Response and Preparedness of the Kaohsiung City before the Three-Links Policy Come True -- Economic Development, Social Involvement and Government Function


本研究提出分析公共事務管理問題的整合參考架構,包括經濟發展、社會參與及政府職能等三個面向,並結合時間(解嚴前後)與空間(台灣南北落差)之條件,用以分析高雄市的現況與未來兩岸直航的預應,並出具體策略性建議。 未來如能在兩岸直航之後,建構出「高雄與大陸海空聯運」的模式,協助產業發展全球運管理,將是高雄市的最佳策略!如未能前展開規劃與實際行動,高雄市恐有被邊緣化的危機!因此建議應從經濟發展、社會參與及政府職能全面進行檢討,積極進行兩地各項交流,協助企業獲取資訊,建立兩地經貿合作組織,吸引大型國際企業進駐,將可望使高雄市在兩岸三通後獲得最大的利益。


This thesis is based on the research of the integrated referral structure of the public affairs management, including Behavior frame, Cognitive frame and Infrastructure frame. There are three factors in the Behavior frame, including economic development, social involvement and government function.. This thesis has combined both conditions of the Time and the Space, for example the time after that Taiwan government declared the Martial Law ended, and discussed the divides of the North and the South of Taiwan. The model of the Air-Marine transportation of the Kaohsiung-Mainland China, and to develop the global logistic industries are the best strategy for the Kaohsiung when the Three-Links policy be performed. Now all the people and officials of the Kaohsiung have to plan and execute ahead of time, or it will be the edge zone of the economic world map.


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