  • 期刊


Cost Analysis of Home Health Nursing Service in a Regional Teaching Hospital




The study was to analyze the actual costs of home health nursing and the reasonability of reimbursement system from the resource utilization groups (RUGs) by the Bureau of National Health Insurance. Seventy-eight cases were collected on the patients of home health nursing from the regional teaching hospital affiliated home care center during October to December 2002. Cases analyses showed that the patients were mostly females, average 70 years old, and most of common diagnoses were cardiovascular accidents. The services provided were mainly in the 2nd class of RUGs. The character of cases was mainly general visits without doctor accompanying. In cost structure, the cost of personnel and operation was up to 90%. There were not significant differences among the RUGs2~RUGs4 costs, but significant correlation was found between home health nursing service and the reimbursement of NHI. Average cost and net profit of per home visit were NT$ 1,300 and NT$55, respectively. The average net profit was low. The institutional nursing visits have lower cost and higher profit than those of home health nursing services. Moreover, average cost of per doctor visit was NT$1,344, and there was a shortage of NT$299 under the reimbursement of NHI. The study suggests the hospital could establish the standard operation procedures of home health nursing to control reasonable costs, extending patients in the nursing homes and intermediate care facilities, concentrating the nurses duty areas, to reduce cost per home visit and increate economic scale advantages, In order to satisfy the long-term care needs of the people, the Bureau of National Health Insurance could consider if the reimbursements were reasonable to the RUGs and doctor visit by continually inspiring were used resources in the RUGs.


廖永仁(2007)。以資源耗用群分析台中市中低收入失能 者居家照顧服務利用之探討〔碩士論文,亞洲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0118-0807200916274770
