  • 期刊


The Presented Form and Distorted Type of the Financial Data's Graph on Listed and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Companies in Taiwan


近年來,財務資訊舞弊案件層出不窮如:博達、訊碟等事件,而財務報表是揭露企業財務狀況與經營成果的工具,報表使用者可透過公司網站或公開資訊觀測站等來快速的獲得公司的財務資料,但是有些在公司網站上所揭露的資訊(如圖形等)是未經查核的,且審計準則公報亦未規定查核人員需查核非財務數字,但是管理當局應對其所揭露及提供之財務資訊的允當表達來負責。然而以圖形來呈現財務資訊並沒有被會計權威團體所明確的規範,因此並沒有一定的呈現形式及格式,所以本研究的目的是期能提供台灣的會計權威團體於制定相關規範時之參考。 由於網路資訊的快速傳遞,所以一般投資大眾皆可藉由網路來獲得台灣上市櫃公司的動向及財務等訊息,因此本研究乃於2004年6月1日至2004年12月31日這段期間調查了台灣上市櫃公司網站揭露圖形的情形,本研究發現台灣的上市櫃公司網站約有13%是採用圖形來揭露公司財務及非財務資訊,另外亦發現台灣上市櫃公司較常使用長條圖,且所使用的圖形變數以銷貨(營業)收入、學歷分佈比例及稅前或稅後淨利等為多數,除此之外,本研究亦發現台灣上市櫃公司的圖形揭露約有25%的圖形為不適當的作圖,因此藉由此調查可知台灣上市櫃公司在圖形揭露上有良莠不齊的現象。


Recently, much financial information fraud occurs in Taiwan-e.g., Procamp Informatics, Ltd. and Infodisc Technology Co., Ltd.. Financial statements are important tools to disclose a business' financial situation and operational result. Stakeholders can quickly gain a corporation's financial data through the firm's websites or Market Observation Post System, yet some information disclosed on these websites remains unaudited (e.g., graph). Statement on Auditing Standards requires no auditing of corporations' non-financial data. The format of graphs to disclose financial information has never been regulated by accounting authority. This paper offers suggestions for Taiwan's accounting authorities to formulate relevant norms. Because information passed quickly via Internet, investors can gain industrial and financial information on Listed and Over-the-Counter (OTC) companies by Internet. This paper surveys of all such companies in Taiwan from June 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004. We found thirteen percent using graphs to present their financial and non-financial information; Sales (Operating) revenue, educational background, income before and after tax are likewise presented. Also, we found about twenty-five percent unsuitable presenting graphs in Listed and OTC firms. This survey provides government with ideas for concocting related regulations.
