目的:「團體僵局」是固體帶領者在團體過程中所遭遇到的困難經驗,帶領者對僵局所採取的介入方式雖然對團體有重要的影響,但至今對此議題的實徵探究仍不多,本研究目的即在對團體帶領者面臨僵局時,介入方式的出現情形與性質進行探討。 方法:研究方法以質性典範為主,邀請22名團體帶領者針對過去印家深刻之團體僵局經驗的介入加以描述。對所有資料進行分類、次數統計與內容分析。 結果與結論:本研究發現團體帶領者在僵局中的介入方式共有六大類、22次類,六大類依出現次數多寡分別為催化、不處理/間接處理、行動化介入、探索與深化、基本溝通、自我修正。其中,相較於一般團體情境,不處理/間接處理、自我修正是帶領者特別會在僵局情境所使用的介入方式。研究者對各類介入方式進行描述,並推測帶領者對固體僵局的介入以固體層次為主,介入方式並具有固體早期階段之帶領特徵。依據研究結果,研究者亦對未來的研究與實務工作提出建議。
Objectives: ”Group impasse” is the difficulties that group leaders encounter during their group work. In spite of the potential influences of intervention on group, how do leaders intervene in the group impasse were not well investigated. The aim of this study was to explore the occurrences and natures of leaders' intervention under their experience of group impasse. Methods: Qualitative paradigm was applied. Twenty-two group leaders were invited to describe their intervention on their impressive past group impasse. Results and Conclusions: By data analysis, six categories and twenty-two sub-categories of intervention were found. The most to least frequently happened categories were facilitating group, not intervening/indirect intervening, action, exploring and influencing, basic communication, and self-modification. Rather than under general group situation, not intervening/indirect intervening and self-modification are the unique interventions that leaders applied under group impasse. The natures of intervention were described. The authors suggested that ”group-as-a-whole” intervention was the main approach that leaders adapted under the group impasse. The leading style was similar to the features of early-stage group. Base on the finding, the implication for further research and practice were proposed.