  • 學位論文


Study on the case study of technology industry for using the activation of learning motivation across the valley of death

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


本研究以歸納詮釋焦點團體的情境激活研究方法(Activation of learning motivation)為基礎,透過六大研究個案,嘗試建置跨越工程研發與市場需求間的死亡之谷(Valley of death)的研究方法;首先,本研究以知識工作者、一般受訪者及委託單位利用三角測定法(triangulation)進行深入訪談、個案研究及田野調查,分析焦點團體室的流程分為破冰(warm-up)、融化(melting)、整合(fusion)三部份,各有其功能面、效應面及效益面,研究發現建置一個以激活心理學為基礎的焦點團體訪談標準流程的重要性,並於2013年10月21日取得產業專利,可供企業界實務執行焦點團體法的參考與建議,同時驗證本研究議題一:導入激活心理學於商品設計開發階段,知識工作者更為有創意以及驗證研究議題二:建置焦點團體破冰室於商品開發設計階段,知識工作者的商品設計更為接近市場。本研究實個案一,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA最佳化軟體模擬微針穿透皮膚之動態分析,結果顯示數值模擬可以有效預測皮膚的形變與破壞與微針陣列的壓力分佈情形,並應用個案二:AAO模板做為模具在塑膠薄膜上以奈米壓印製造奈米結構的最佳化處理,發現最重要的製程參數分別為壓印溫度與脫模溫度,再以個案三:以情境為例,完整田口實驗需要9組製程參數組合(每組5次)共45次的實驗分析,透過BPN對製程參數與產出(微透鏡高度)間關係的有效模擬,與GA對於建構出之BPN最佳解的搜尋,有減少實驗次數的潛力;除此之外,本研究所提之方法與田口方法相比,理論上能更廣泛的應用在連續空間之求解;本研究透過以上三項研發商品的個案驗證議題三:利用最佳化製程設計於商品設計製造,可以滿足商品上市之時效性。本文第五章研究個案四,導入單供應商多買家的整合系統,共同補貨週期與混合批量運輸政策,首先建構了隔離模式,之後進一步結合成為整合模式,研究驗證議題四:探討最佳化存貨整合系統於商品供應鏈過程,達成商品上市之可行性。本研究第六章應用灰色系統理論之灰關聯來探討個案五,以三十家企業找出企業中,發現以X10企業的服務過程最為符合,灰關聯值最高,所提供的服務模式為最佳化經驗模式,驗證議題五: 應用最佳化技術於產品服務經驗,驗證產業服務最佳化模式。最後,本研究第七章顯示,應用最佳化技術探索不同企業的產業技術轉移因子,研究個案六結果顯示,影響模具業競爭力最重要之因子為小型模具試模天數及小型模具交貨天數,建議傳統模具產業技術轉移模式最重要待開發的因子為研發人員人數,歐美國際訂單比例,驗證議題六:尋找最佳化技術於萃取企業技術轉型的關鍵因子,嘗試幫助企業越過死亡之谷。


This study aims to probe into the case study research and development in the technology industry by way of six issues in an attempt to cross the valley of death to be based on the induction and interpretation of the activation of learning motivation theory. A method of triangulation involving knowledge workers, common interviewees, and commissioned units was used to conduct in-depth talks, case studies, and field investigations. The process in the focus group interviewing was divided into the three parts of warm-up, melting, and fusion, each with its aspects of function, effect, and benefit, leading to a discovery of the importance of establishing a standard procedure for focus group interviews to be based on the activation of learning motivation theory. A patent of this invention was obtained on October 21, 2013, which can be used as reference by the businesses in practicing focus group studies.The research findings are applied to test and verify the first issue of introducing the said theory to the design and development stage of commercial products, ending up with constant innovation occurring on the part of knowledge workers. The second issue is concerned with the use of the theory in the warm-up of the design and development stage of commercial products, resulting in making the design by knowledge workers much closer to market needs..;At the same time, this study testifies the use of an ansys/s-dyna optimized software to conduct a dynamic analysis of micro-needle skin rollers, indicating an effective prediction of the skin transformation, lesion destruction, and the distribution of pressure of the micro-needle matrix. It also proves that the AAO pattern plate can be used to optimize the manufacturing of nanostructure through nano-imprinting on the plastic film of the mold and reveals that the most important parameters of the manufacturing process are imprinting temperature and de-molding temperature. Taking a scenario for example, a complete Taguchi experiment needs nine sets of the manufacturing process parameters for a total of 45 experiments (five times for each set), a development that shows a potential for reducing the number of experiments when running a valid simulation of the correlation between the manufacturing process parameter and output through BPN and the search for the best resolution of BPN through GA. In addition, compared with that introduced by Taguchi, the solution worked out by this study can be more broadly applied, in theory at least, to the understanding of the concessive space. By use of the three developed commercial products mentioned above, researchers of this study find that the application of an optimization for the design of a manufacturing process is able to meet the timeliness of commercial products on the market. The fifth chapter of this study exams the single-vendor multi-buyer integrated system and the common replenishment cycle with mixed batch shipment policy, establishing an isolation model and later an integrated model to test and verify the fourth issue, namely the possibility of putting up commercial products on the market through the application of an optimized inventory integrated system to the supply chain. The seventh chapter of this study employs the grey correlation in the grey theory to offer a better service model, finding that among the 30 businesses selected the service process of X10 achieves the highest grey relational grade, which refers to the optimized experience model. Finally, the sixth chapter of this study indicates that when using the technique of optimization to test the technology transfer factor in different industries, one finds that the most influential factors affecting competition of the mold industry are the days for small mold testing and those for small mold delivering. It is suggested, however, that the most important factors to be taken into account are the number of personnel in research and development as well as the ratio for European and American orders. The sixth issue is to look for an optimized skill to extract the key factor in technology transfer so as to help the industry cross the valley of death.


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