本病例是—10歲女孩因喉嚨痛、右頸痛及發燒等症狀來門診求治,理學檢查發現喉嚨紅腫、右上鎖骨乳突肌肉有輕微觸痛、雙側頸部淋巴線腫大及右斜頸的情形。頸部側面X光發現後咽部間隙(retropharyngeal space)輕微增厚。經電腦斷層掃描,診斷為右側咽間隙膿瘍,並給予適當保守性抗生素治療,因早期發現而使病患免於受外科引流治療之苦。本文的目的,希望能藉此病例以及文獻的回顧,提醒基層醫師,在面對喉嚨痛、發燒及頸痛的病人尤其是兒童時,應仔細評估,不要忽略了深頸部感染如側咽間隙膿的可能性。基層醫師對此疾病應有深刻的認識以免延誤診斷及處置不當,造成病怎病情加重或死亡。如有懷疑,應緊急轉診或會診耳鼻喉科專科醫師作進一步診斷及治療。
We present a case of a 10-year-old girl with sore throat, right neck pain and fever. Lateral neck X-ray showed an increase of soft tissue swelling over the retropharyngeal space. Right parapharyngeal abscess was diagnosed with the help of a neck CT scan. She was successful managed with antibiotics and supportive treatment. Deep neck infection such as parapharyngeal abscess should be included in differential diagnosis for any patient who presented with sore throat, neck pain and fever.