  • 期刊


The Action Research of Junior High School Physical Science Teachers: Professional Changes and Learning Community


本研究旨在探討研究者與兩位同事組成學習社群,經由行動研究的過程,造成社群成員的改變。 本研究採用行動研究法,發展出行動環為行動研究的模式。在行動中,收集相關的資料來分析學習社群成員的改變情形。 研究成果發現;個案初任教師在教室經營與營造正向學習環境的能無明顯成長,在教學與溝通表達能力的技巧上則有明顯的改善。資深教師在輔導初任教師的態度與行為上發生改變,且更積極地參與校務。研究者在教學與推動校內教學計畫的能力有所成長。


The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in the members of the learning community consisted of the researcher and his colleagues through the process of an action research. The study employs the action research method and develops action cycles as the action research model. For the action, related data are collected to analysis the changes in the learning community members. The research results indicate that the beginning teacher in the case has no significant growth in the ability of classroom management and the formation of positive learning environment. However, her skills in teaching and communications and expressions have significantly improved. In addition, the experienced teacher has some changes in the attitude and behaviors in mentoring the beginning teacher, and become more active in participating school affairs. The researcher obviously improved his ability in teaching and promoting the teaching projects in the school.


劉芷源(2010)。運用教師社群發展國小數學教師TPCK 之行動研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000227
