  • 期刊


Luoyang's "Association for Eminent Elderly" (Qi Ying Hui) during the Northern Song Dynasty: Interactions between Scholar Officials as Recorded in Stele Inscriptions




耆英會 資聖院 九老圖 文彥博 墓誌銘


During the yuanfeng year of Emperor Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty (1082), Luoyang's scholar officials organized an ”Association for Eminent Elderly” (Qi Ying Hui) with Wen Yanbo as their head. Using the slogan of ”honor the aged, don't venerate official rank,” they were all eminent men of more than seventy years old (with the exception of Sima Guang). Inside the Zisheng Temple they built a large hall where they put images of the participants, calling it the Hall of the Eminent Elderly. This group of retired officials, gray-bearded and splendidly clothed, regularly convened for festive dinners in Luoyang's famous gardens, old landmarks and superb lands. Whenever they gathered, they would hold in high esteem the arrangements for wine and food; wherever they came, they were the fashion of the capital city Luoyang, and they formed a kind of pleasure ground for scholar officials who were free from government duties. Later generations eulogized this as the zenith of the Northern Song's great peace. Among the ranks of the ”Association for Eminent Elderly” were such famous figures as Wen Yanbo (1006-1097), Fu Bi (1004-1083), Wang Gongchen (1012-1085), and Sima Guang (1019-1086). The government positions of these people might make one think of a relation with factional struggles. Yet a different picture emerges if one more carefully considers the tomb-inscriptions, official documents, and biographical records of their members, such as Xi Ruyan (1012-1085), Wang Shanggong (107-1084), Zhao Bing (1008 - ?), Liu Ji (1008-1087), Feng Xingji (1008-1091), Chu Jianzhong (1010-1090), Wang Shenyan (1011-1087), Zhang Wen (1013-1087), Zhang Tao (1013-1082), etc. Then it is possible to discern that in the areas of calligraphy, music, poetry, as well as in nourishment of life and gardening, they all had an equally cultured profundity and skill. This, perhaps, was the predominant aspect of the interactions among the members of the ”Association for Eminent Elderly.” This article analyzes the cultivation and life of scholar officials since the Northern Song through an exploration of the lineages, unofficial attitudes, congregational activities, as well as cultural interactions of the members of the ”Association for Eminent Elderly.” In the process we can begin to understand the actual content of the charisma of the scholar official, and simultaneously observe the mutual relationship between the common practices of scholar officials and society.




