  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of The International Law Association and Its History (1912-1916)




The short-lived International Law Association was founded in autumn 1912. Its birth was indebted to Lu Zhengxiang's idealism and Zhang Jian's wholeheartedness. The original intention was to promote international law and prepare for the Third Hague Peace Conference that was scheduled for 1915 but cancelled due to the outbreak of the First World War. The association also had an ambition to transplant the discourses, ideas, and behaviour codes that were regarded to comply with the Westphalian international law system, so that China could be seen "civilized" on a par with its Western counterparts. The founding members, however, were by no means experts of international law. Their knowledge was insufficient from the perspective of disciplinary professionalism. Politically, they were inclined to the Progressive Party (Jinbu dang). The International Law Association failed to distinguish its professional goal from a civilizing mission; as a result, it could barely accomplish what Lu Zhengxiang expected. It had a remarkable start but vanished in silence with no substantial achievement. A discussion of such an unsuccessful attempt urges us to rethink the continuity and changes in the development of international law from late Qing to the Republican era.


《北洋政府外交部》,中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館藏。Bei yang zheng fu wai jiao bu, Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo dang an guan, cang.
《外務部》,中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館藏。Wai wu bu, Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo dang an guan, cang.
《申報》(上海),1908、1912年。Shen bao (Shanghai), 1908, 1912 nian.
《湘報》(長沙),1898年。Xiang bao (Zhangsha), 1898 nian.
張謇,《嗇翁自訂年譜》,出版地與出版者不詳,1925。Zhang, Jian. Se weng zi ding nian pu, chu ban di yu chu ban zhe bu xiang, 1925.
