  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of Risk Factors among Young Sexual Offenders, Non-violent Offenders and Adolescents in Taiwan


近年來,台灣地區少年犯罪問題日趨惡化,根據內政部警政署(民87)統計資料,少年暴力犯包括強盜、搶奪、殺人、強姦等案件,在近年急速竄升,為此,本研究針對其中較受大眾矚目的少年強姦犯罪,探求其成因,謀求妥適對策因應為瞭解少年強姦犯罪之重要相關因素,本研究根據學者Santtila與Haapasalo (1997) 及Lewis等人(1981)之研究心得,以文獻呈現之高犯罪危險因子測試,比較其在少年強姦犯、非暴力犯及一般青少年出現之頻率與差異性。本研究於民國八十八年二至四月間從新竹少年監獄及桃園、彰化、高雄三所少年輔育院,依強姦犯、非暴力犯之類別,抽取各類犯罪少年合計191名,及依照台灣北中南東四區域各抽取一所國中或高中共145名男性學生進行施測,以比較犯罪危險因子。基本上,研究發現三組少年罹患精神病者僅佔少數,其在攻擊性、挫折忍受力、憂鬱等特性方面未明顯區別。但在情緒基調方面,少年強姦犯與非暴力犯比一般少年有明顯負面情緒。在家庭方面,有一半的少年強姦犯其父母有一方已死亡,將近三成表示家庭成員有犯罪前科,至於家庭成員有罹患精神疾病者則不多。在學校生活方面,有八成五的少年強姦犯常有蹺課、缺席的情形;有一半的少年強姦犯與非暴力犯課業不及格,對課業不感興趣。最後,在社會相關因素方面,我們發現三組少年在差別接觸及定義上有顯著差異。綜合言之,本研究認為少年強姦犯罪的發生具有複雜的背景因素,在防治措施方面,應從肅清社會病源、嚇阻、矯治及情境犯罪預防四大方向來著手,致力於消除不良之個人、家庭及社會環境等衍生犯罪因素,並加強少年之休閒輔導、情緒控制及社交技巧等教育,以使少年強姦犯罪減至最低。




In recent years, juvenile delinquency has become more serious. According to the data reported from National Police Administration, Ministry of Interior (1998), the violent crime (such as robbery, rape, homicide) committed by juvenile has increased dramatically recently. In response, the research examines young sexual offending so as to capture the underlying causes and searching for appropriate preventive measure. To explore the important correlates of juvenile sexual offense, the study employs Santtila and Haapasalo (1997) and Lewis (1981)'s research design attempts to compare groups of young sexual offenders, non - violent offenders and general adolescents across a set of empirically verified crime risk factors. By dividing the total sample into three above different group, the study collects these three groups of self-reported data (n =336 total) from Hsieh-chu juvenile prison, three training schools and four high schools in Taiwan. The study finds that: few of these three groups have psychotics, and they don't have significant difference in the aggression, impulsive control and depression scales, but in the emotion scale. About fifty percent of young sexual offenders' fathers or mothers are dead, almost thirty percent of their .family members have criminal records. Young sexual offenders have more truant records and flunking than young nonviolent offenders and general adolescents. Finally, we find that these three groups have significant difference in the different association and definition scales. In sum, the study concluded that there are complicated causes for young sexual offenses. For the prevention and control of such violent offenses, efforts should be made from the following four directions-root cause, deterrence, rehabilitative treatment and situational crime prevention approach, and to reduce individual, families and societal factors that precipitated criminal behaviors. Moreover, well-planned recreational programs, social skills and anger control training should be taught to the general adolescents, so as to prevent the rise of young sexual offense.




陳明志(2008)。酒後駕車者之問題行為症候群研究 — 以臺北市為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2501200816022900
