  • 期刊


Instruction and Evaluation of General Education Courses-The Case of Gender Education Class


The purpose of this study was to investigate college students' opinions about the instruction and evaluation methods of a gender education course. The course was offered as a general education class at a technical college in southern Taiwan. A total of 61 junior and senior students enrolled in the class. Data were collected from interviews, questionnaires and student grades report. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to analyze the data. The results showed that (1) A total of 71% of the students took the class because of their interest in the content. (2) Prior to this class, 57% of the students have never taken any class related to gender issues. (3) A 70% of the students expressed their expectation to learn from the class the knowledge and skills in maintaining satisfactory relationship with their intimate partners. (4) The most favorite topic was the one related to love, courtship, and break-up. Students enjoyed this topic because the speaker was very humorous. They did not appreciate abstract and philosophical topics. (5) In addition to lectures, small group discussion was students' favorite class activity. On the contrary, they liked the final examination the least. (6) A 64% of the students agreed with the evaluation criteria. (7) Male students scored significantly lower in the final scores than their female counterparts (t=-4.17, p<.01) and the source of difference came from students' regular performance in the class. (t=-4.55, p<.01). In addition to the discussion of significant differences, the conclusion and suggestions were also included in this article as well. For promoting students' understanding of gender equality, it is necessary for technical colleges to offer more gender education courses.


技術學院 性別教育 教學 評量


The purpose of this study was to investigate college students' opinions about the instruction and evaluation methods of a gender education course. The course was offered as a general education class at a technical college in southern Taiwan. A total of 61 junior and senior students enrolled in the class. Data were collected from interviews, questionnaires and student grades report. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to analyze the data. The results showed that (1) A total of 71% of the students took the class because of their interest in the content. (2) Prior to this class, 57% of the students have never taken any class related to gender issues. (3) A 70% of the students expressed their expectation to learn from the class the knowledge and skills in maintaining satisfactory relationship with their intimate partners. (4) The most favorite topic was the one related to love, courtship, and break-up. Students enjoyed this topic because the speaker was very humorous. They did not appreciate abstract and philosophical topics. (5) In addition to lectures, small group discussion was students' favorite class activity. On the contrary, they liked the final examination the least. (6) A 64% of the students agreed with the evaluation criteria. (7) Male students scored significantly lower in the final scores than their female counterparts (t=-4.17, p<.01) and the source of difference came from students' regular performance in the class. (t=-4.55, p<.01). In addition to the discussion of significant differences, the conclusion and suggestions were also included in this article as well. For promoting students' understanding of gender equality, it is necessary for technical colleges to offer more gender education courses.
