  • 期刊


Resistance Spirit: The Underground Stream and the Main Stream in the History of Taiwan: Takes Chiang Wei-Shui, Kuo Yu-Hsin and Cheng Nan-Jung as Examples




Taiwan, which is located at the junction of the Pacific Ocean and the Asian Continent, is the land and sea traffic hub of the Asia-Pacific region. The struggles between Han Chinese migrants and indigenous peoples and between the local community and foreign regimes constitute the core history of Taiwan. Japan moved the modern state system to colonize Taiwan, ending the history of classification fights among immigrants and then making Taiwan enter the new era of a modern world. The father of Taiwan New Culture Movement, Chiang Wei-shui, was born in Ilan. He advocated "Taiwanese" concept, initiated the idea of Taiwan constitution and autonomy, and engaged in Taiwan society’s Enlightenment and anti-colonial struggle through social movements, political parties and publications. Moreover, he linked the significance of the Taiwanese national liberation movement with international communist movements and Chinese national Revolution. He shaped the spirit of modern Taiwanese resistance movement. Following Chiang Wei-shui's spirit, Kuo Yu-hsin, another representative figure of oppositional movements during Taiwan's Martial law era, broke his relationship with the Kuomintang after participating in organizing China Democracy Party. He founded the first Non-party sponsored magazine Taiwan Political Review and cultivated young elite of the Non-party movement in the supplementary legislator election. He also advocated "Top Ten Non-party Political Constructions," which became the common political program of Taiwan oppositional movement. After his exile in the United States, he integrated overseas Taiwanese independence movement into the Overseas Alliance for Democratic Rule in Taiwan, which is the harbinger of the Taiwan Democratic Party, and facilitated the establishment of the Democratic Progressive Party. At the same time, he organized the Democratic International, made Taiwan's democratization issue become global human commitment to freedom. Growing up in Ilan, Cheng Nan-jung carried a mainlander's sense of sin to devote himself to the oppositional movement in Taiwan. He made the series Free Time a base to advocate freedom of expression and challenge the Kuomintang's political taboos. He launched the 228 Justice Peace Movement and supported the Taiwan Democratic Party to return to Taiwan, and nationwidly initiated the New Nation Movement. Finally, due to publishing "The Draft Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Taiwan", he was to be arrested. To resist the police's arrest, he immolated himself, which is seen as an action to protest the KMT's keeping using the National Security Law to constrain people's freedom of speech, not lifting the Taiwan Martial Order. Cheng Nan-jung's last action made himself a symbol of the ultimate form of resistance in Taiwan. Taiwan's immigrants or aboriginal people went through the hardship of reclamation and limited life resource competition, and were ceaselessly faced with different powers of plunders across the sea. But under the very entirely social control by the Japanese modern colonial state, Taiwan people's special national character was formed. Despite its humble fate, Taiwanese still desire to dominate their own life. They carried out the dedicated and tough spirit of resistance by collective struggles for destiny. Through different forms of resistance, Chiang Wei-shui, Kuo Yu-hsin and Cheng Nan-jung embodied the spirit of Taiwanese resistance. They will lead Taiwanese struggles until Taiwanese truly become the master of their own land and destiny.


史明(1980)。臺灣人四百年史。San Jose:蓬島文化公司。
林佳龍,2007,〈感念郭雨新為民主建國留下的遺產〉,《林佳龍─政治可以不一樣》網,臺北,2007 年8 月22 日。
