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  • OpenAccess


Implementation for Zigbee-Based Wireless GUI Control System


近年來,家庭控制系統有很大的市場需求,隨著科技的進步,無線感測網路已廣泛應用在此領域當中,本研究係以Zigbee無線通訊設備實現家庭自動控制。硬體方面在PC端設計一個圖控系統,負責網路監控,另外透過 Zigbee主控制模組及 Zigbee感測模組收集資料,Zigbee Home模組實現控制開關;軟體方面,使用JAVA撰寫GUI,NES C撰寫底層的通訊。本研究採用模組化設計,建立即插即用的無線通訊模組,可達到省電低價位的要求,並可整合現有的無線網路與電力線網路通訊技術,根據使用者監測的習慣,及系統設備間的依賴性與相關性,設計家庭監測網路策略,達到數位家庭控制系統的目標。


Recently, there has been an ever-increasing demand for home control system. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a more technique to be applied in this field. This research focuses on the development of home control system which is implemented by the related Zigbee devices. In the hardware, the PC platform, in which the GUI is adopted, is utilized to monitor the network. Moreover, to gather the environment information and to control the switch, the Zigbee gateway, sensor nodes and home module are added to implement these functions. In the software, the GUI is programmed by JAVA and the NES C is utilized to write the communication program. The proposed architecture possesses the following salient features: module design, plug-and-play wireless components, combination of WSN and power line, new energy-saved and low cost strategy for home control system. The object of energy-saved and low cost wireless home control system is implemented in this research.


Wireless Sensor Network Home Control System Zigbee Java NES C
