  • 期刊


Effects of Listening to Storybooks on Sex-Typing of Taiwanese Young Children from Tainan County: A Preliminary Study


本研究旨在探討幼兒性別刻板印象,以進一步瞭解故事書所述的反傳統之角色扮演及性格對幼兒性別角色及性別刻板印象之影響,同時,藉由本研究,希望探討性別刻板印象之性別影響。本研究發現之結果如下: (1)在前測和後測結果方面,發現在部份玩具選擇、活動或遊戲選擇、和人格特質描述上有性別刻板印象之性別影響。在前測結果方面,較多的男孩認爲玩玩具車和丟飛盤較適合男生。同時,較多的男孩也認爲男生較適合被形容爲有「勇敢」的人格特質。而且,較多的男孩也認爲警察較適合男生。在後測結果方面,男孩和女孩都認爲玩恐龍模型的玩具較適合男生。同時,較多的男孩認爲跳繩子的遊戲較適合女生。男孩和女孩都認爲女生較適合被形容「漂亮」。 (2)針對玩具選擇、活動選擇、職業、和人格描述,前測與後測之比較結果有所不同。由此顯示,故事書所描述的內容改變幼兒原先的想法。


In current society, the gender stereotype concepts have been shifted from the viewpoint of believing that women should not have education to the viewpoint that both genders are equal. In this study, the samples are from one kindergarten and one preschool of Tainan County of Taiwan. Studying the effects of gender and intervention was the purpose of this study. The major gender effect was found on pre-tests such as playing the car model, playing Frisbee, the perception of a brave personality, and the gender-stereotyped knowledge of police; the same case was for the post-test, such as playing with dragon model, jumping rope, and playing Frisbee, beauty, and skinny as well as fat statue. The results showed that there were several major shifts in the number of children perceiving the toy, activity, occupation and characteristic differently from the pre-test to the post-test. Implications are discussed.


Chiao-min Lin、Chih-yen Chiu(2023)。The Influence of Picture Book Integrated Gender Equality Education Curriculum on the Physical Autonomy Cognition of Junior Elementary School Children教育資料與圖書館學60(3),261-292。https://doi.org/10.6120/JoEMLS.202311_60(3).0004.RS.CM
