  • 期刊


Tourist Satisfaction Research of the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition-Pavilion of the Future of the Xinsheng Park Area as an Example


2010年上海世界博覽會甫結束,於同年底臺北也相繼舉辦臺北國際花卉博覽會,打破國界的限制與文化的偏見,共同詠讚園藝產業的文明發展,達到愛護地球生態環境的目標。本研究針對該活動中最富創意與臺灣科技性的新生公園區夢想館爲標的,採用「隨機抽樣法」進行問卷調查。至於問卷的適切性係用德爾菲法(Delphi)獲得,而問卷設計以五點李克特尺度(Likert scale)爲衡量標準,並以敘述性統計分析(Descriptive Statistics Analysis)所發放之問卷310份,有效回收率達78.6%,其結果顯示滿意且會推薦親友參觀率達84%。


Following the Expo 2010 Shanghai China, the Taipei International Flora Exposition will be held at the end of 2010. The purpose is to break national boundaries and cultural bias, to praise the development of the horticultural industry, and to achieve the goal of protecting the ecological environment. The research target is the Pavilion of Dreams of the Xinsheng Park Area, which is the most innovative pavilion. A questionnaire survey was conducted through a random sampling method. The goodness of fit of the questionnaire was obtained using the Delphi method. The design of questionnaire adopted five-point Likert scale as its rating scale. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed by descriptive statistics analysis. A total of 310 questionnaires were distributed, and the valid return rate was 78.6%. The result, which indicates satisfaction and the willingness to recommend relatives and friends to visit, attains a rate of 84%.


