  • 期刊


On the Cultivation of the Value Orientation of University Students in the Twenty First Century: Ideas and Strategies


本文首先分析二十一世紀新時代中,所出現的資訊化與全球化的生活方式,以及知識經濟時代等三大局勢,指出新世紀大學生價值觀的培育之理念有三:(l)促進「傳統」與「現代」的對話,(2)加強「科技」與「人文」的互動,(3)強化全球視野與本土文化的融合。 本文接著從上述三大教育理念出發,提出以下三項教育策略,通過教學活動以建構大學生正確的價值觀:第一:提倡經典教育,以引導大學生的生命重新與傳統文化接觸,奠定未來開創新局的文化資源,這是「返本以開新」的教育策略。第二:因應「科技」與「人文」斷裂的狀態,在大學教育過程中,加強開授貫通「科學、技術與社會」(STS)等領域的課程,以引導學生對現代科技發展中的人文社會問題,進行深入分析,從而培育二十一世紀具有批判思考與原創能力的新知識份子。第三:經由優質的束亞人文傳統相關課程之引導,而躍入悠久的束亞文化價值傳統之中,建立新時代東亞知識青年的價值體系,才能在西方「文化霸權」的支配之下,挺立東亞知識份子的價值觀點與立場。


This paper analyzes three defining characters of the lifestyle in the twenty-first century, namely, the trends of globalization, the coming of information society and the ”knowledge-based economy.” We also suggest three ideas for cultivating the value orientation of university students in the new century: 1) promote dialogue between ”tradition” and ”modernity”, 2) increase interaction between ”science and technology” and ”the humanities”, and 3) strengthen integration between ”global perspective” and ”indigenous culture”. Next, this paper describes three main ideas, then points out the three following education strategies for instructional activities so as to establish a value orientation in the university students: The first strategy is to promote classical education in order to lead the students to have renewed contact with traditional culture, thus consolidating the cultural resources for creating an improved cultural situation for the future. That is the education strategy of ”returning to the root to establish the new.” The second strategy is to respond to the rift between ”technology” and ”the humanities” in the process of university instruction by strengthening the ”science, technology and society” (STS) curriculum, such that the students delve into a deeper analysis of the human problems of culture and society arising from the rapid development of technology, thus nurturing the critical thinking skills and originality that will be necessary to intellectuals in the twenty first century. The third strategy is to provide a rich curriculum in the East Asian traditional humanities and delve deeply into the age-old East Asian cultural value tradition, thus establishing the value orientation of contemporary East Asian youth. Only in this way will East Asian intellectuals be able to stand up from the domination of cultural hegemony of the West and assert their own value orientation and position.


